Potsdam Village Police Dept. Jan. 23, 2014

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Authorized By: Sgt. Ames Date: 1/23/14

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

Barry T. Pawlowski iddle!ort Dri%i&g 'ith ()stru*ted +iew .larkso& .am!us State ".#

Age: Date: Time:

22 $1/23/2$14 ,:1-

/etur&a)le to Potsdam +illage .ourt0 1e)ruary ,2 2$14 at 3:3$ A A)o%e su)4e*t was issued a ti*ket 5or the a)o%e *harge 5ollowi&g a !ro!erty damage a**ide&t. Sama&tha 6. 7aro*k 'i&thro! S!eed i& 9o&e : ;1 i& a 3$ a!le Street /etur&a)le to Potsdam +illage .ourt0 1e)ruary 142 2$14 at 3:3$ A (55i*er o)ser%ed a %ehi*le tra%eli&g at a high rate o5 s!eed0 the a)o%e su)4e*t was ide&ti5ied as the o!erator a&d was issued a ti*ket 5or the a)o%e *harge. State ".# Age: Date: Time: 28 $1/23/2$14 ,:4, A

Name: City/Town/Villag e Charge: Location: Relea e/Ret!rn: Narrati"e

$,1$,4, $34; $-31 1$3; 112$ 114$ 12$122-

Patrols res!o&ded to a !ro!erty damage a**ide&t o& .larkso& .am!us : Ti*ket issued Tra55i* sto! o& a!le Street : Ti*ket <ssued

/e!ort o5 a lar*e&y at a& edu*atio&al i&stitutio&2 <&%estigatio& *o&ti&ues. 1ielded a lost !ro!erty *om!lai&t. 1ielded a house *he*k re=uest 5rom a %illage reside&t. /e*ei%ed a re*ord *he*k 5or a& a!!li*a&t o5 the De!artme&t o5 .orre*tio&s. Potsdam /es*ue S=uad dis!at*hed to a *all o& u&so& Street.

Patrol *o&du*ted tra55i* sto! o& 7awre&*e A%e&ue0 &o ti*ket issued. Patrol *o&du*ted tra55i* sto! o& 7awre&*e A%e&ue0 &o ti*ket issued.


12;1 13$1333 1433 14;$ 1,3; 1,;$ 214; Patrol *o&du*ted a tra55i* sto! o& arket Street0 &o ti*ket issued. u&so& Street.

Potsdam /es*ue S=uad dis!at*hed to a *all o&

Potsdam /es*ue S=uad dis!at*hed 5or mutual aid res!o&se to "or5olk0 su)se=ue&tly disregarded. 1ou&d !ro!erty retur&ed to its ow&er. >a&di*a!!ed Parki&g Pla*ard issued. Pro!erty take& i& 5or sa5ekee!i&g. Patrol *o&du*ted a tra55i* sto! o& arket Street0 &o ti*ket issued.

Dis!at*hed Potsdam /es*ue to a *all

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