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We convey our special thanks to the Senior Lecturer of the Dept. of CSE/IT Mrs. Kakoli Gupta !ea" of the Depart#ent $rof. %a&i' Ghosh Lecturer of Dept. of MC( $rof. Su&oy $alit an" all the faculty #e#'ers of our colle)e *ho )ui"e" us sincerely "urin) this trainin) session an" favoure" us *ith valua'le su))estions re)ar"in) the Infosys Ca#pus Connect $ro&ect. We are thankful to Mrs. Sonia Saha Trainin) an" $lace#ent +fficer of ,en)al Institute of Technolo)y for her co-operation.


$ro&ect )iven 'y . Infosys Technolo)ies Lt".

$ro&ect Tile

Telephone Directory Mana)e#ent Syste# / Month

Duration of $ro&ect

0uality %evie*er

$rof. %a&i' Ghosh 1!ea" of the Dept. MC(2 $rof. De'a'rata Gan)uly 1Senior Lecturer of the Dept. of MC(2

Title . Telephone Directory Mana)e#ent Syste#

Initial Activity

$ro&ect $lan

Final Activity

$ro&ect Walkthrou)h

Resource Re uire!ent . Soft*are 3se" . /. Win"o*s 4$ 5. Tur'o C66 7. 8otepa" 9. MS Wor" /. $entiu# III on*ar"s 5. /5: M, %(M 7. 9;G, !DD

!ar"*are 3se".

DA% Day/ TOPIC Detaile" syste# analysis $reparation of syste# re?uire#ent specification Co"in) Testin) TIME < hrs. RE"PON"I&ILIT% Details of the functionalities #o"ule *ise /.D@D 5.E%D 7.Ta'le Structure 9.@easi'ility (nalysis B 3nit testin) FEED&ACK %evie* analysis = revie* fee"'ack @ee"'ack on S%S


7: hrs.

Day/;Day55 Day57Day5A

A; hrs. 5; hrs.

B Ca#pus connect teachers provi"e fee"'ack


Docu#entation an" Delivery

/C hrs.

Co#pletion of pro&ect report = packa)in)

The telephone "irectory #aintenance syste# is "esi)ne" to insure a s#ooth allot#ent of telephone to the e#ployee of a particular "epart#ent an" ?uery the telephone "irectory *henever re?uire". /./ C$RRENT "%"TEM Currently telephones are 'een allotte" to e#ployees at ran"o# on a first co#e first serve" 'asis. There is no proper trackin) of *ho is allotte" *hich telephone nu#'er. (ny nu#'er of telephones )ets allotte" to the e#ployees. /././. LIMIT(TI+8 +@ T!E C3%%E8T SDSTEM ,ecause of the current syste# of allot#ent of telephone nu#'ers to the e#ployees at ran"o# the sa#e telephone nu#'er at a ti#e )ets allotte" to #ore than one e#ployee. There is no proper recor" of ho* #any phones are allotte" to each "epart#ent *hich results in tracin) of e#ployees 'ein) "ifficult. There is no #echanis# to fin" out *hich "epart#ent a particular e#ployee 'elon)s to. /.5. PROPO"ED "%"TEM The propose" syste# is 'ein) "esi)ne" to #aintain the "etails of "epart#ent e#ployees an" telephone nu#'ers "etails throu)h an application in a file. 3ni?ue nu#'ers are )enerate" for any ne* e#ployee/ne* "epart#ent an" ne* telephone nu#'er.


OBJECTIVES: The system design will meet the below objectives Unique number generation for the new employee/new department/new telephone allotment. Easy retrieval of telephone details based on employee names. Easy retrieval of telephone details based on the department number. Deletion of the department deletes all the employees belonging to that department. Employee location details can be modified whenever the employee gets transferred.

SCOPE AND BOUNDARY: The project is designed for Department maintenance Add departments Delete departments Employee aintenance Employee addition Employee modification Telephone Directory maintenance Add telephone number Enquiry by department Enquiry by Employee name


S%S is the "ocu#ent that co#pletely "escri'e *hat the propose" syste# shoul" "o *ithout "escri'in) ho* the soft*are *ill "o it. The 'asic purpose of S%S is to 'ri")e the co##unication )ap 'et*een the client user an" the "eveloper. In our pro&ect *e try to #aintain a )oo" S%S. The specifications for the #o"ules are.Mo"ule/. Lo*In Mo+ule Each user *ill lo)in *ith a vali" user na#e. If the user is vali" he can #ove to the neEt #enu.


De,art!ent Maintenance It inclu"es ("" Depart#ent an" Delete Depart#ent. @or "epart#ent #aintenance *e #aintain a file na#e F"ept.tEtG. each recor" consist of "eptHco"e 19 char lon)2 an" "eptHna#e 1/C char lon)2. DeptHco"e starts *ith /;;;. Every ne* "epart#ent a""e" shoul" )et a one up nu#'er for the "eptHco"e. The a"" "epart#ent screen has the provision for a""in) ne* "epart#ents as lon) as the user *ishes. The "elete "epart#ent screen is very user frien"ly.


E!,loyee Master Maintenance It inclu"es ("" E#ployee an" Mo"ify E#ployee. @or E#ployee #aster #aintenance *e #aintain a file na#e Fe#p.tEtG. Each recor" consist of e#pHi" 19 char lon)2 e#pHna#e 15C char lon)2 "eptHco"e 19 char lon)2 location 1C char lon)2 an" telephoneHno 1A char lon)2. E#pHi" starts *ith /;;;. Every ne* e#ployee a""e" shoul" )et a one up nu#'er for the "eptHco"e. The a"" e#ployee screen has the provision for a""in) ne* e#ployees as lon) as the user *ishes. The Mo"ify e#ployee screen is very user frien"ly.


Tele,-one Directory Maintenance This #o"ule #aintains three functions na#ely /. ("" ne* telephone. 5. 8u#'er en?uiry on "eptHco"e. 7. En?uiry on e#pHna#e. @or en?uiry on "eptHco"e the user have to enter the "eptHna#e correspon"in) co"e e#pHna#e an" all "etails of the e#ployee 'ein) "isplaye". @or en?uiry 'y na#e the user have to enter the e#pHna#e correspon"in) "etails alon) *ith the telephone nu#'er is "isplaye".

E#ployee Master Dept. Maintenance

%e?uest Grante" %e?uest Grante"

Telephone Directory Maintenanc e Syste#

%e?uest to up"ate E#ployee %e?uest for 3p"ate E#ployee %e?uest Grante"

%e?uest to up"ate Depart#ent

E#ployee 8a#e Supplie"

En?uiry on E#ployee 8a#e

Telephone Directory Maintenance

LEVEL 1 DFD or FIRST LEVEL DFD !equest for addition of Dept. !equest "ranted #ending !equest Update !equest "ranted !equest for %hec&ing Duplication Department Table Update A
*. Deletion of Department (. Addition of Department

Department aintenance

$o Duplication

!equest "ranted

). %hec& Duplication

!equest for Addition 'f Employee

Employee aintenance

!equest "ranted
!equest "ranted #ending !equest

+. Addition of Employee


Employee $ame
$o Duplication ,. %hec& Duplication of Employee

-D Employee -D or not


/. Edit Employee


#ending !equest !equest "ranted !equest !ejected Employee -nformation

Employee Table

3. Enquiry on Department %ode

Dept %ode or $ot E.ists 0artial #earch !equest

Error and Error essage Displayed

Technology Directory aintenance D

Error And User !equest 1ants "ranted Another $ame

Error and as& 2or another #ending Employee !equest

!equest "ranted

5. Enquiry or 'wner

4. Add $ew Telephone

Employee #tore Department Table


There are several li#itations of the pro&ect. The pro&ect is su'"ivi"e" into three su'-#o"ules. /. Depart#ent #aintenance syste#. 5. E#ployee #aintenance syste#. 7. Telephone "irectory #aintenance syste#. There are several li#itations in the #o"ule. So#e of they are. 3ser can store #aEi#u# of 5C;; e#ployee recor"s. (ll the constraints are not checke" properly.

Future "co,e/
The future scope of this pro&ect is i##ense. If the s#all "ifficulties an" pro'le#s can 'e eli#inate" the soft*are *ill 'e of )reat help in the real life scenario.

/. Let 3s CBDashvant Kanitkar 5. (8SI CB%itchie = Karnin)ha# 7. C the co#plete %eferenceB!er'ert Shiel"

(lthou)h this is #y in"ivi"ual pro&ect 'ut still this pro&ect e#'o"ies the help of #y teachin) stuffs. I ha" to #aster the latest tren"s of the IT in"ustry to fatho# the "epth of the application "evelop#ent *hich is the core of this pro&ect. I trie" #y 'est to cover all the possi'le aspects. !ope this soft*are *ill #eet the re?uire#ents of the people. I *oul" like to thank the *hole MC( "epart#ent of ,en)al Institute of Technolo)y an" Infosys *ho provi"e" us the opportunity to *ork on such an in"ustry stan"ar" pro&ect.

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