Introduction To Skydrive

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Performance Support

Cloud Orientation: Introduction to SkyDrive

SkyDrive is Microsofts version of a cloud document storage system, like SugarSync or Dropbox and it integrates well with Windows 8 and ffice! "ets take a look! #ou can notice there are no files in my Documents or $ictures folders in my SkyDrive right now! So lets go ahead and see how it works with an ffice application! %&m currently working on this $ower$oint presentation! % go to File ' Save As and instead of saving it onto my (omputer, %&m going to save it on my SkyDrive! )ow although %&m logged in on Windows, %&m not logged in yet in ffice! When % type in my *otmail email address, which also serves as my Microsoft account ' and now my SkyDrive is ready to be saved to! %n here, % can see my SkyDrive has a Documents, $ictures, and $ublic folder, +ust like we saw earlier! %&m going to Save this file into My Documents folder and now, if % go back into SkyDrive and press Refresh, %&ll see the files there! )ow % can access this file from anywhere in the world thats connected to my SkyDrive!

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