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Royce M.

Cunanan TTT 8:30-10:00

0143 Oct. 17, 2013

Awit Kalikasan 2013 The stage design is not that bad but the !o"ecto! at the cente! o# the stage is b$u!!y and a$so the osition o# the !o"ecto! at the bac% &$e#t side co!ne! o# the gy' because it di(e!ts the attention o# the eo $e )ho a!e )atching at the stage. * $i%e the e!#o!'ance o# M!s. +o$ita Ca!bon because he! songs )e!e (e!y o u$a! and the dance!s )e!e good too. ,ut the !est o# the conce!t )as bo!ing. -nd a$so one o# the s ea%e!s )as too .uite, she doesn/t s ea% o#ten to #o$$o) u he! co-host. */' e0 ecting that the (ideo docu'entation co(e!/s the enti!e ea!th because this issue is about a$$ count!ies because o# g$oba$ )a!'ing o! the c$i'ate chance. The (ideo is not good, the!e is a (ideo docu'entation !ega!ding this to ic such as 1The incon(enient t!uth2 by -$ 3o!e that is (e!y inte!esting to )atch. -nd a$so the audio o# the (ideo !esentation is too $o) that you cant e(en hea! )hat they/!e saying and a$so the s4ont si5e o# the subtit$e o# the (ideo is too sho!t #o! 'e.

REACTION 6e a$$ %no) that )e a!e e0 e!iencing g$oba$ )a!'ing. -s a 'e'be! o# ou! society )e shou$d be 'o!e !es onsib$e on he$ ing ou! en(i!on'ent be#o!e it/s too $ate #o! us. -$$ count!ies e0 e!iencing the c$i'ate chance, the 'e$ting o# ice g$acie! at 7o!th and 8outh o$e causing the !ise o# sea $e(e$ at ce!tain count!ies. The te' e!atu!e !ise because o# e0cessi(e Ca!bon 9io0ide. 6e shou$d sta!t in ou! o)n $itt$e )ay by seg!egating and not th!o)ing ou! th!ash any)he!e. ,y not bu!ning you! th!ash because it is !ohibited. -nd conse!(ing as 'uch )ate! as ossib$e. 6e shou$d a$so !ecyc$e

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