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Hi To create a navis work file must export the files you want from PDMS to a RVM file.

You o this !y usin" the export !utton in the utilities# see the followin"$

This opens this$

You write one optional output file name !elow. This file saves in % & p msuser. 'mportant writin". RVM !ehin the name. So inclu e what you want in (avisworks file un er 'nclu e. Then press export. (ow open (avisworks Simulate. Then ra" the file from % & P msuser rive strai"ht into (avisworks )*ust like when you "o from explorer in PDMS to view+. Then you create a (avisworks file. Remem!er to save, Sincerely & -est Re"ar s 'sa!elle (ilsen

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