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8enghaz|, L|bya
Iu|y 08, 2011
After |nsta|||ng the CSI product:
8un echo|d.exe whlch you can flnd ln Lhe
lnsLallaLlon folder and wrlLe down Lhe S
characters code and use Lhem ln generaLor
when lL ls requesLed Lo generaLe Lhe llcense flle
|servrc" for CSl producL you llke
8un generator.bat provlded and
Lype Lhe S characters code as
requesLed nexL you enLer day,
monLh and year nexL and flnally
selecL Lhe producL number from Lhe
llsL and press enLer and llcense flle
wlll be generaLed.
8ename Lhe flle Lo be |servrc". And
copy Lo lnsLallaLlon folder Lo
overwrlLe Lhe exlsLlng one.

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