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Volunteer Application

Please complete this form and return to Personal Details Surname: First names: Home address:

Post code:

Day phone: Evening phone: Mo ile: Email:

Do you re!uire a "ork permit# For office use only: Date of receipt of application:

Work or volunteer experience This can be any voluntary or extra curricular activities including student societies and clubs Dates from $ to %ame of employer & nature of usiness Position held & responsi ilities

Education/Qualifications State whether full/part time or correspondence course with examinations passed206201763.doc Dates from $ to Esta lishment 'ualifications

Additional training (details of any short courses which you believe are relevant to your application

Supporting statement to be provided b applicant!

"ere is #$at #e #ant to kno# about ou % please note #e #on&t be able consider our application #it$out t$ese details
About ou! (hy your kno"ledge and e)perience makes you the est candidate for the role# (hy do you "ant to volunteer "ith *ocal (orks# (hat "ould you like to get out volunteering "ith *ocal (orks# 'ogistics! Ho" many days a "eek you "ould like to come in# (hat days of the "eek are you availa le to volunteer on# Ho" long "ould you e a le to volunteer "ith us for# (hen you "ould e a le to start#

+our statement should not e more than , pages long.

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