Cooking and Food Vocabulary

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Cooking and Food Vocabulary

"El cocinero" (the cook) Warm up - Calentar Bake - Cocer al horno Fry - Frer Saut - Saltear Soak - Remojar Wash - Lavar Boil - Hervir Simmer - Cocinar a fuego lento Mix - Mezclar Peel - Pelar Sweeten - Endulzar "verduras" (vegetables) Beans - Frijoles Carrot - Zanahoria Potatoes - Papas Cabbage - Repollo Lettuce - Lechuga Celery - Apio Cucumber - Pepino Tomatoes - Tomates Pepper - Pimiento Onion - Cebolla

"Fruta" (Fruit): Apple - Manzana Banana - Banana Strawberry - Fresa Grape - Uva Orange - Naranja Lemon - Limn Lime - Lima Grapefruit - Toronja Pineapple - Pia Coconut - Coco "Carne" (Meat): Bacon - Tocino Pork - Cerdo Ham - Jamn Sausage - Salchicha Meatball - Albndiga Steak - Bistec Chicken - Pollo Turkey - Pavo "Mariscos" (Seafood): Fish - Pescado Salmon - Salmn Tuna - Atn Shrimp - Camarn

Other foods Bread - Pan Cake - Pastel Egg - Huevo Juice - Jugo Milk - La leche Butter - Mantequilla Cheese - Queso Ice cream - Helado

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