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GRE High Frequency Words Abate v subside or moderate.

e. Aberrant adj abnormal or deviant Abeyance n suspended action Abscond v depart secretly and hide Abstemious adj sparing in eating and drin ing temperate Admonish v !arn" reprove. Adulterate v ma e impure by adding in#erior or tainted substances Aesthetic artistic dealing !ith or capable o# appreciating the beauti#ul Aggregate v gather" accumulate Alacrity n cheer#ul promptness" eagerness Alleviate v relieve Amalgamate v combine" unite in one body Ambiguous adj unclear or doubt#ul in meaning Ambivalence n the state o# having contradictory or con#licting emotional attitudes Ameliorate v improve Anachronism n something or someone misplaced in time Analogous adj comparable Anarchy n absence o# governing body" state o# disorder Anomalous adj abnormal" irregular Antipathy n aversion" disli e Apathy n $ lac o# caring" indi##erence Appease v paci#y or soothe" relieve Apprise v $ in#orm Approbation n approval Appropriate acquire" ta e possession o# #or one%s o!n use Arduous adj hard" strenuous Artless adj !ithout guile" open and honest Ascetic adj practicing sel#$denial" austere Assiduous adj$ diligent Assuage v ease or lessen &pain'" satis#y &hunger'" soothe &anger' Attenuate v ma e thinner" !ea en or lessen &in density( #orce( degree' Audacious adj daring bold Austere #orbiddingly stern" severely simple and unornamented Autonomous sel#$governing Aver assert con#idently or declare" as used in la!( state( #ormally as a #act )anal hac neyed" commonplace" trite" lac ing originality )elie contradict" give a #alse impression )ene#icent indly" doing good )olster support" rein#orce )ombastic pompous" using in#lated language )oorish rude" insensitive

)urgeon gro! #orth )urnish ma e shiny by rubbing" polish )uttress support" prop up *acophonous discordant" inharmonious *apricious unpredictable" #ic le *astigation$punishment" severe criticism *atalyst agent that in#luences the pace o# a chemical reaction !hile it remains una##ected and unchanged" person or thing that causes action *austic burning" sarcastically biting *hicanery tric ery" deception *oagulate thic en" congeal" clot *oda concluding section o# a musical or literary composition" something that rounds out( summari+es( or concludes *ogent convincing *ommensurate corresponding in e,tent( degree( amount" proportionate *ompendium brie#" comprehensive summary *omplaisant trying to please" overly polite" obliging *ompliant yielding" con#orming to requirements *onciliatory reconciling" soothing *ondone overloo " #orgive" give tacit approval" e,cuse *on#ound con#use" pu++led *onnoisseur person competent to act as a judge o# art *ontention claim" thesis *ontentious quarrelsome *ontrite penitent" repentant *onundrum riddle" di##icult problem *onverge approach" tend to meet" come together *onvoluted coiled around" involved" intricate *raven co!ardly -aunt intimidate" #righten -ecorum propriety" orderliness and good taste in manners -e#ault #ailure to act -e#erence courteous regard #or another%s !ish -elineate portray" depict" s etch -enigrate blac en -eride ridicule" ma e #un o# -erivative" unoriginal" obtained #rom another source -esiccate dry up -esultory aimless" hapha+ard" digressing at random -eterrent something that discourage" hindrance -iatribe bitter scolding" invective -ichotomy split" branching into t!o parts &usually contradictory' -i##idence shyness

-i##use !ordy" rambling" spread out -igression !andering a!ay #rom the subject -irge lament !ith music -isabuse correct a #alse impression" undeceive -iscerning mentally quic and observant" having insight -iscordant not harmonious" con#licting -iscredit de#ame" destroy con#idence in" disbelieve -iscrepancy lac o# consistency" di##erence -iscrete separate" unconnected" consisting o# distinct parts -isingenuous lac ing genuine candor" insincere -isinterested" unprejudiced -isjointed lac ing coherence" separated at the joints -ismiss eliminate #rom consideration" reject -isparage belittle -isparate basically di##erent" unrelated -issemble disguise" pretend -isseminate distribute" spread" scatter -issolution disintegration" looseness in morals -issonance discord" opposite o# harmony -istend e,pend" s!ell out -istill puri#y" re#ine" concentrate -iverge vary" go in di##erent directions #rom the same point -ivest strip" deprive -ocument provide !ritten evidence -ogmatic opinionated" arbitrary" doctrinal -ormant sleeping" lethargic" latent -upe someone easily #ooled Ebullient sho!ing e,citement" over#lo!ing !ith enthusiasm Eclectic selective" composed o# elements dra!n #rom disparate sources E##icacy po!er to produce desired e##ect E##rontery impudence" shameless boldness" sheer nerve" presumptuousness Elegy poem or song e,pressing lamentation Elicit dra! out by discussion Embellish adorn" ornament" enhance( as a story Empirical based on e,perience Emulate imitate" rival Endemic prevailing among a speci#ic group o# people or in a speci#ic area or country Enervate !ea en Engender cause" produce Enhance increase" improve Ephemeral short$lived" #leeting Equanimity calmness o# temperament" composure Equivocate lie" mislead" attempt to conceal the truth Erudite learned" scholarly

Esoteric hard to understand" no!n only to the chosen #e! Eulogy e,pression o# praise( o#ten on the occasion o# someone%s death Euphemism mild e,pression in place o# an unpleasant one E,acerbate !orsen" embitter E,culpate clear #rom blame E,igency urgent situation" pressing needs or demands" state o# requiring immediate attention E,trapolation projection" conjecture Facetious jo ing &o#ten inappropriately' Facilitate help bring about" ma e less di##icult Fallacious #alse" misleading Fatuous brainless" inane" #oolish( yet smug Fa!ning trying to please by behaving obsequiously( #lattering( or cringing Felicitous apt" suitably e,pressed" !ell chosen Fervor glo!ing ardor" intensity o# #eeling Flag droop" gro! #eeble Fledgling ine,perienced Flout reject" moc " sho! contempt #or Foment stir up" instigate Forestall prevent by ta ing action in advance Frugality thri#t( economy Futile useless" hopeless" ine##ectual Gainsay deny Garrulous loquacious" !ordy" tal ative Goad urge on Gouge overcharge Grandiloquent pompous" bombastic" using high$sounding language Gregarious sociable Guileless !ithout deceit Gullible easily deceived Harangue long( passionate( and vehement speech Homogeneous o## the same ind Hyperbole e,aggeration" overstatement .conoclastic attac ing cherished traditions .dolatry !orship o# idols .mmutable unchangeable .mpair injure" hurt .mpassive !ithout #eeling" imperturbable" stoical .mpede hinder" bloc .mpermeable impervious" not permitting passage through its substance .mperturbable calm placid .mpervious impenetrable" incapable o# being damaged or distressed .mplacable incapable o# being paci#ied .mplicit understood but not stated .mplode burst in!ard .nadvertently unintentionally" by oversight" carelessly

.nchoate recently begun" rudimentary" elementary .ncongruity lac o# harmony" absurdity .nconsequential insigni#icant" unimportant .ncorporate introduce something into a larger !hole" combine" unite .ndeterminate uncertain" not clearly #i,ed" inde#inite .ndigence poverty .ndolent la+y .nert inactive" lac ing po!er to move .ngenuous na/ve and trusting" young" unsophisticated .nherent #irmly established by nature or habit .nnocuous harmless .nsensible unconscious" unresponsive .nsinuate hint" imply" creep in .nsipid lac ing in #lavor" dull .nsularity narro!$mindedness" isolation .ntractable unruly" stubborn" unyielding .ntransigence re#usal o# any compromise" stubbornness .nundate over!helm" #lood" submerge .nured accustomed" hardened .nvective abuse .rascible irritable" easily angered .rresolute uncertain ho! to act" !ea .tinerary plan o# a trip 0aconic brie# and to the point 0assitude languor" !eariness 0atent potential but undeveloped" dormant" hidden 0aud praise 0ethargic dro!sy" dull 0evee earthen or stone emban ment to prevent #looding 0evity lac o# seriousness or steadiness" #rivolity 0og record o# a voyage or #light" record o# day$ to$day activities 0oquacious tal ative 0ucid easily understood 0uminous shining" issuing light 1agnanimity generosity 1alingerer one !ho #eigns illness to escape duty 1alleable capable to being shaped by pounding" impressionable 1averic rebel" noncon#ormist 1endacious lying" habitually dishonest 1etamorphosis change o# #orm 1eticulous e,cessively care#ul" painsta ing" scrupulous 1isanthrope one !ho hates man ind 1itigate appease" moderate 1olli#y soothe

1orose ill$humored" sullen" melancholy 1undane !orldly as opposed to spiritual" everyday 2egate cancel out" nulli#y" deny 2eophyte recent convert" beginner 3bdurate stubborn 3bsequious slavishly attentive" servile" sycophantic 3bviate ma e unnecessary" get rid o# 3cclude shut" close 3##icious meddlesome" e,cessively pushy in o##ering one%s services 3nerous burdensome 3pprobrium in#amy" vili#ication 3scillate vibrate pendulumli e" !aver 3stentatious sho!y" pretentious" trying to attract attention 4aragon model o# per#ection 4artisan one$sided" prejudiced" committed to a party 4athological pertaining to disease 4aucity scarcity 4edantic sho!ing o## learning" boo ish 4enchant strong inclination" li ing 4enury severe poverty" stinginess 4erennial something long$lasting 4er#idious treacherous" disloyal 4er#unctory super#icial" not thorough" lac ing interest( care( enthusiasm 4ermeable penetrable" porous" allo!ing liquids or gas to pass through 4ervasive spread throughout 4hlegmatic clam" not easily disturbed 4iety devoutness" reverence #or God 4lacate paci#y" conciliate 4lasticity ability to be molded 4latitude trite remar 4lethora e,cess" overabundance 4lummet #all sharply 4orous #ull o# pores" li e a sieve 4ragmatic practical &as opposed to idealistic'" concerned !ith the practical !orth or impact o# something 4reamble introductory statement 4recarious uncertain" ris y 4recipitate rash" premature" hasty" sudden 4recursor #orerunner 4resumptuous arrogant" ta ing liberties 4revaricate lie 4robity uprightness" incorruptibility 4roblematic doubt#ul" unsettled" questionable 4rodigal !aste#ul" rec less !ith money 4ro#ound deep" not super#icial" complete 4rohibitive tending to prevent the purchase or use o# something 4roli#erate gro! rapidly" spread" multiply

4ropensity natural inclination 4ropitiate appease 4ropriety 5 #itness" correct conduct 4roscribe ostraci+e" banish" outla! 4ungent stinging" sharp in taste or smell" caustic 6uali#ied limited" restricted 6uibble $ minor objection or complaint 6uiescent at rest" dormant" temporarily inactive Rare#ied made less dense &o# a gas' Recalcitrant obstinately stubborn" determined to resist authority" unruly Recant disclaim o# disavo!" retract a precious statement Recluse hermit" loner Recondite abstruse" pro#ound" secret Re#ractory stubborn( unmanageable Re#ute disprove Relegate banish to an in#erior position" delegate" assign Reproach e,press disapproval or disappointment Reprobate person hardened in sin" devoid o# a sense o# decency Repudiate $ diso!n" disavo! Rescind cancel Resolution determination Resolve determination" #irmness o# purpose Reticent reserved" uncommunicative" inclined to silence Reverent respect#ul" !orship#ul 7age person celebrated #or !isdom 7alubrious health#ul 7anction approve" rati#y 7atiate satis#y #ully 7aturate soa thoroughly 7avor enjoy" have a distinctive #lavor( smell( or quality 7ecrete hide a!ay or cache" produce and release a substance into an organism 7hard #ragment( generally o# pottery 7 eptic doubter" person !ho suspends judgment until having e,amined the evidence supporting a point o# vie! 7olicitous !orried( concerned 7opori#ic sleep$causing" mar ed by sleepiness 7pecious seemingly reasonable but incorrect" misleading &o#ten intentionally' 7pectrum color band produced !hen a beam o# light passes through a prism 7poradic occurring irregularly 7tigma to en o# disgrace" brand 7tint be thri#ty" set limits 7tipulate ma e e,press conditions( speci#y 7tolid dull" impassive

7triated mar ed !ith parallel bands" grooved 7trut pompous !al 7trut supporting bar 7ubpoena !rit summoning a !itness to appear 7ubside settle do!n" descend" gro! quiet 7ubstantiate establish by evidence" verity" support 7upersede cause to be set aside" replace" ma e obsolete 7upposition hypothesis" surmise 8acit understood" not put into !ords 8angential peripheral" only slightly connected" digressing 8enuous thin" rare" slim 8irade e,tended scolding" denunciation" harangue 8orpor lethargy" sluggishness" dormancy 8ortuous !inding" #ull o# curves 8ractable docile" easily managed 8ransgression violation o# a la!" sin 8ruculence aggressiveness" #erocity 9acillate !aver" #luctuate 9enerate revere 9eracious truth#ul 9erbose !ordy 9iable practical or !or able" capable o# maintaining li#e 9iscous stic y( gluey 9ituperative abusive" scolding 9olatile changeable" e,plosive" evaporating rapidly Warranted justi#ied" authori+ed Wary very cautious Welter turmoil" be!ildering jumble Whimsical capricious" #anci#ul :ealot #anatic" perso !ho sho!s e,cessive +eal &enthusiasm'

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