550K Lotto Grant Approved For New 1m+ Clubhouse For Skerries Harps

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550K Lotto Grant approved for New 1m+ Clubhouse for Skerries Harps

550k Lotto Grant Approved ..Major News for Skerries I have just been informed that Skerries arps after man! !ears trojan efforts b! the offi"ers of that #$ub have been fina$$! approved to spend a 550k $otto %rant b! the &epartment of 'ransport 'ourism and Sport for a ma%nifi"ient new #$ubhouse at their "urrent $o"ation on &ub$in (oad Skerries.Its a )m* proje"t ..new "$ubhouse with ba$"on! over$ookin% the pit"h..+00m, * #on%ratu$ations to a$$ the members of the A(-S. .A //. It wi$$ be a %reat addition to the fa"i$ities in our town in a ver! "entra$ a""essib$e $o"ation. 'he Skerries arps are a ver! popu$ar "$ub in Skerries with 01 2unior teams. 'hats a hu%e vo$untar! effort into the "ommunit! in Skerries. I am de$i%hted to have p$a!ed m! part in this 3 assistin% with p$annin% permission and 4onin% for , sites in mi$verton3 the pro"eeds 050k whi"h are %oin% to bui$d this "$ubhouse and $obb!in% Minister 5aradakars &epartment as issues arose. 6e$$ done to a$$ Ar A%aidh &e arps. #$$r 'om /Lear!

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