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Christine Swett | Home Address: 335 orth !t.

Hingham" #A 0$043 %ell: /0112 )043)01) 4ducation 3Hingham High !chool 511 3+ynchburg %ollege 3!et to graduate !&ring $01* Work Experience +ynchburg %ollege 6esident Assistant 37or, with 8irst year students to build a community in our li9ing en9ironment" de9elo& &ersonal relationshi&s with residents" a9ailable as a resource 8or cam&us in8ormation and an ad9isor 8/13-present Lynchburg, VA :albots 3;n&ac,ed shi&ments" restoc,ed merchandise" aided customers" sales associate 6/12- present Hingh !, "A <etti<ear3 !ales Associate 3#anned register" assisted customers" stoc,ing o8 merchandise */11- 8/11 E#g rto$n, "A :he =ea,s >sland House 3Hostess in restaurant" room cleaning in hotel 6/1%- 8/1% &e ks 's( n#, "E Vo(unteer Work ?ld !hi& %hurch 3>n8ant childcare during !unday ser9ices )/1%- 6/11 Hingh !, "A !iena >talian !tudies 3!er9ing lunch at a con9ent 8or those in need" teaching 4nglish to >talian elementary school children )/11-12/11 *ien , 't (y =aci8ic -isco9ery 3:rac, maintenance and 8orest &reser9ation 8or the ew @ealand -e&artment o8 %onser9ation 1/1)/12-1/26/12 + y o, 's( n#s, -e$ .e ( n# %urrent Address: %am&us 'o( )13* 1501 +a,eside -r. +ynchburg" .A $4501 Home: /0112 04)31413

3Aorest &reser9ation and re&lanting o8 endangered nati9e 9egetation 8or the ew @ealand -e&artment o8 %onser9ation 2/6/12-2/1//12 -e(son L kes - tion ( & rk, -e$ .e ( n# 3=lanting o8 nati9e 9egetation and elementary childcare and education 8or the Bueensland -e&artment o8 4n9ironment and 6esource #anagement 3/2/123/1%/12 -orth 0eppe( 's( n# - tion ( & rk, 1ueens( n#, Austr (i

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