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District Court District of Oregon (Eugene (6)) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 6:13-cv-01834-MC
Geiger et al v. Kitzhaber et al Assigned to: Judge Michael J. McShane Cause: 42:1983 Civil Rights Act Date Filed: 10/15/2013 Jury Demand: None Nature of Suit: 950 Constitutional: State Statute Jurisdiction: Federal Question

Date Filed

Docket Text 33 MINUTES of Proceedings: Motion Hearing Held regarding Motion to Consolidate 11 and Rule 16 Conference. Motion to Consolidate 11 is granted. Rummell Plaintiffs Dispositive Motions are due by 2/10/2014. Supplemental Brieng to Motion for Summary Judgment 23 is due by 2/10/2014. Responses to Dispositive Motions are due by 3/10/2014. Replies to Dispositive Motions are due by 3/24/2014. Oral Argument is set for 4/23/2014 at 01:30PM in Eugene Courtroom 2 before Judge Michael J. McShane. Lake Perriguey and Lea Ann Easton present as counsel for plaintiffs. Sheila H. Potter and Anna Joyce present as counsel for John Kitzhaber, Oregon Atty General Ellen Rosenblum and Jennifer Woodward. Katharine Von Ter Stegge present as counsel for Defendant Randy Waldruff. Jennifer Middleton, Kevin Diaz, Misha Isaak and Thomas R. Johnson present as counsel for Basic Rights Education Fund, Paul Rummell, Benjamin West, Lisa Chickadonz and Christine Tanner, Movants. Court Reporter: Kristi Anderson. Judge Michael J. McShane presiding. (Related document(s): Motion to Consolidate 11.) (cp) (Entered: 01/23/2014)

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