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Week of: 2/192/23

E ui!y Sho! Who"e #rou$ 1%:1&1%:'&

SOL 1.1-1.8: 1.111.12 The(e )* Week 1 +ay 1 Pages T20-T27 -Daily Message -Daily Phonemic Awareness -Read Aloud: TOPS AND OTTOMS -S!ra!egy Pre"iew: Summari#e $om%rehension S&ill: Pro'lem Sol"ing -Oral (anguage and $om%rehension -Phonics: )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ -P %ages 7,- 7. -/ri!ing: 0nde%enden! 1ournal wri!ing: /ri!e a'ou! a deser! animal2

SOL 1.1-1.8: 1.111.12

SOL 1.1-1.8: 1.11-1.12

SOL 1.1-1.8: 1.111.12

SOL 1.1-1.8: 1.111.12

+ay 2 Pages T,2 7 T,8 Daily Message -Daily Phonemic Awareness -Reread: TOPS AND OTTOMS - $om%rehension: Summari#ePro'lem Sol"ing -5igh 9re:uency /ords: O"erhead 7-; -/ri!ing: /ri!ing an O%inion

+ay 3 Pages T.0 7 T<, -Daily Message -Daily Phonemic Awareness -Pre%aring To Read -S!ra!egy 9ocus: Summari#e -S&ill: Pro'lem Sol"ing -An!hology: T5= TOAD 0S M0N=> -$om%rehension: And !hen /ha!? P %2 ;08 Pro'lem Sol"ing S!e%s 7P %2 ;;; -)oca'ulary: $a!egori#ing @T;;,A Brammar: Pro%er Nouns @%eo%le and animalsA O'3ec!i"es are 4ound on corres%onding 52M2!eacher6s ed!ion %ages2 -S!ra!egy and S&ill 9ocus: summari#e%ro'lem sol"ing #rou$ 1 ..3 /8:'%9:1%0 Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: 1FAN O O @Pu! in 'uddy read 'oEA -< mins2 Play ANB> wDPre%rimer Dolch words2 -;0 mins2 /ord wor&: : )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ -)oca'ulary: ho%%eds&i%%ed -;< mins2 Read: 09 GOF M0SS GOFR FS - $om%rehension: S!2 will answer com%rehension :ues!ions a! !he end o4 !he 'oo& on a shee! o4 %a%er

+ay ' Pages T<C- TC; -Daily Message -Daily Phonemic Awareness -Reread An!hology: T5= TOAD 0S M0N=> -)oca'ulary: 9riendshi% /ords /ri!ing: /ri!ing $learly wi!h Naming /ords -O"erhead 7-. -P' %age ;;C

+ay & Pages TC2- TC7 -Daily Message -Daily Phonemic Awareness - Re"isi!ing !he (i!era!ure
-Pro'lem Sol"ing S!e%s: O"erhead 7, Brammar Pro%er Nouns 4or Peo%le and Animals

S(a"" #rou$ #uided ,eadinW/Mrs. +a(eron 8:'%-9:1% 9:1%-9:'% 9:'%1%:1%

O'3ec!i"es are 4ound on corres%onding 52M2!eacher6s ed!ion %ages2 -S!ra!egy and S&ill 9ocus: summari#e%ro'lem sol"ing #rou$ 1 ..3 /8:'%-9:1%0 -< mins2 Play ang> wD Pre%rimer Dolch words -;0 mins2 0n!roduce s%elling words 4or !his wee&- %rac!ice s%elling each word )oca'ulary: ali&e!wins -;< mins2 Read: P=TS 9OR T5= T/0NS -$om%rehension: S!2 will answer com%rehension :ues!ions a! !he end o4 !he 'oo& on a shee! o4 %a%er2

O'3ec!i"es are 4ound on corres%onding 52M2!eacher6s ed!ion %ages2 -S!ra!egy and S&ill 9ocus: summari#e%ro'lem sol"ing #rou$ 1 ..3 /8:'%-9:1%0 Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: P=TS 9OR T5= T/0NS @Pu! in 'uddy read 'oEA -< mins2 9lash cards wDPre%rimer Dolch words2 -;0 mins2 /ord wor&: )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ )oca'ulary: ho%%ed- s&i%%ed -;< mins2 Read: 1FAN O O -Par!s o4 !he s!ory @who wha! where whenA -$om%rehension: S!2 will answer com%rehension :ues!ions a! !he end o4 !he 'oo& on a

O'3ec!i"es are 4ound on corres%onding 52M2!eacher6s ed!ion %ages2 -S!ra!egy and S&ill 9ocus: summari#e%ro'lem sol"ing #rou$ 1 ..1 /8:'%-9:1%0 Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: 09 GOF M0SS GOFR FS @Pu! in 'uddy read 'oEA -< mins2 9lash cards wDPre%rimer Dolch words2 -;0 mins2 /ord /or& : )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ -)oca'ulary: s!ory!eller -;< mins2 Read: A(MA 9(OR ADA -Se:uence !he e"en!s o4 !he s!ory -$om%rehension: S!2 will answer com%rehension

O'3ec!i"es are 4ound on corres%onding 52M2!eacher6s ed!ion %ages2 -S!ra!egy and S&ill 9ocus: summari#e%ro'lem sol"ing

#rou$ 1 ..3 /8:'%-9:1%0 Reread: P=TS 9OR T5= T/0NS- 1FAN O O- 09 GOF M0SS GOFR FS- AND A(MA 9(OR ADA2 S!2 also reread an!hology selec!ions 4rom !he 5M reading !eE!2 T2 !o !a&e running records using ; new le"eled 'oo&2 1Tea2her !o -i3e s$e""in- !es! #rou$ 3 2.24

#rou$ 3 2.24 /9:1%-9:'%0 -< mins2 Play ang> wD Pre%rimer Dolch words -;0 mins2 0n!roduce s%elling words 4or !his wee&- %rac!ice s%elling each word -)oca'ulary: ner"ous sys!em- la!i!udelongi!ude%recau!ions -;< mins2 Read: @9irs! hal4 o4 A (0B5TN0NB -Ma&e %redic!ions -$om%rehension: S!2 will answer 4irs! , com%rehension :ues!ions gi"en 'y !eacher2 #rou$ 2 1.2 /9:'%1%:1%0 -< mins2 Play ang> wD Pre%rimer Dolch words -;0 mins2 0n!roduce s%elling words 4or !his wee&- %rac!ice s%elling each word -)oca'ulary: ga#eds!rolled- !hundered-;< mins2 Read 5OT 50PPO $om%rehension: -S!2 will answer com%rehension :ues!ions made 'y !he !eacher on a shee! o4 %a%er2

shee! o4 %a%er #rou$ 3 2.24 /9:1%-9:'%0 -Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: @9irs! hal4 o4 A (0B5TN0NB -Summari#e -< mins2 Prac!ice s%elling DPre%rimer Dolch words !o %ar!ner2 -;0 mins2 /ord wor&: )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ -)oca'ulary: 7;< mins2 Read: T5= 50B5 9(G0NB $ONT=ST - $om%rehension: S!2 will answer las! 2 com%rehension :ues!ions gi"en 'y !eacher2 #rou$ 2 1.2 /9:'%1%:1%0 Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: 5OT 50PPO -< mins2 9lash cards wDPre%rimer Dolch words2 -;0 mins2 /ord wor&: )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ )oca'ulary: 'loomed-;< mins2 Read: /5G =ARS S(==P A(( /0NT=R -Predic!D0n4er -$om%rehension: S!2 will answer com%rehension :ues!ions made 'y !eacher on a shee! o4 %a%er2

#rou$ 3 2.24 /9:1%-9:'%0 - Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: T5= 50B5 9(G0NB $ONT=ST -< mins2 Prac!ice s%elling DPre%rimer Dolch words !o %ar!ner2 -;0 mins2 /ord wor& )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ )oca'ulary: manila"ial- 'eamed 7Read: 5ORR0 (= 5ARRG AND T5= ANT 0N)AS0ON P2 ,-;. $om%rehension: S!2 will answer com%rehension :ues!ions made 'y !eacher2 #rou$ 2 1.2 /9:'%1%:1%0 Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: /5G =ARS S(==P A(( /0NT=R @Pu! in 'uddy read 'oEA -< mins2 9lash cards wDPre%rimer Dolch words2 -;0 mins2 /ord wor&: )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ -)oca'ulary: s%rou!s:ueal- %ounces-;< mins2 Read: 0N T5= 9OR=ST -$om%rehension: S!2 will answer com%rehension :ues!ions a! !he end o4 !he 'oo& on a shee! o4 %a%er2

:ues!ions a! !he end o4 !he 'oo& on a shee! o4 %a%er2 #rou$ 3 2.24 /9:1%-9:'%0 - Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: 5ORR0 (= 5ARRG AND T5= ANT 0N)AS0ON P2 ,;. @Pu! in 'uddy read 'oEA -< mins2 Prac!ice s%elling DPre%rimer Dolch words !o %ar!ner2 -;0 mins2 /ord /or&: )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ -)oca'ulary: an!ics- an!i%as!o7;< mins2 Read: 5ORR0 (= 5ARRG AND T5= ANT 0N)AS0ON P2 ;.2, -$om%rehension: S!2 will com%le!e s!ory wal& shee!summari#ing elemen!s o4 !he s!ory2 #rou$ 2 .ri(er /9:'%-1%:1%0 Re"iew com%rehension :ues!ions: 0N T5= 9OR=ST @Pu! in 'uddy read 'oEA -< mins2 9lash cards wDPre%rimer Dolch words2 -;0 mins2 )owel Pairs *oa+ and *ow+ -)oca'ulary: mischie4- gnashedrum%us- !amed -;< mins2 Read : 0 /5=R= T5= /0(D T50NBS AR= -$om%rehension: S!2 will answer

/9:1%-9:'%0 Reread: (0B5TN0NBT5= 50B5 9(G0NB $ONT=STAND 5ORR0 (= 5ARRG2 S!2 also reread an!hology selec!ions 4rom !he 5M reading !eE!2 T2 !o !a&e running records using ; new le"eled 'oo&2 1Tea2her !o -i3e s$e""in- !es! #rou$ 2 1.2 /9:'%-1%:1%0 Reread: 5OT 50PPO- /5G =ARS S(==P A(( /0NT=R0N T5= 9OR=SAND /5=R= T5= /0(D T50NBS AR=2 S!2 also reread an!hology selec!ions 4rom !he 5M reading !eE!2 T2 !o !a&e running records using ; new le"eled 'oo&2 1Tea2her !o -i3e s$e""in- !es!

5ns!ru2!io na" 6ss!. /6! !a7"e or s!. desks.0

#rou$ 2 2.1 /8:'%9:1%0 -Do %rac!ice 'oo& %2 ;0, and ;0. -Reread a 'oo& 4rom !heir 'oo& 'oE2

#rou$ 2 2.2 /8:'%9:1%0 -Reread !eE!2 -Do $om%rehension ac!i"i!y as descri'ed a'o"e2 -/or& wi!h s%elling words2

#rou$ 2 2.1 /8:'%9:1%0 -Reread !eE! -Do $om%rehension ac!i"i!y as descri'ed a'o"e2 -Play /ORDO wi!h s%elling words

com%rehension :ues!ions a! !he end o4 !he 'oo& on a shee! o4 %a%er2 #rou$ 2 .ri(er /8:'%-9:1%0 -$$$ Reading2 5el% moni!or s!uden!s2

#rou$ 2 .ri(er /8:'%-9:1%0 -Prac!ice 'oo& %2 ;0< and ;07 - /R0T0NB PROMPT: /ri!e a'ou! wha! !hey wan! !o do !his wee&end2 5a"e !hem underline all naming words @nouns2A @A! leas! . sen!ences2A HTurn 0n

#rou$ 1 ..1 /9:1%-9:'%0 -$$$ Reading2 5el% moni!or s!uden!s2

#rou$ 1 ..3 /9:1%-9:'%0 -Do %rac!ice 'oo& %2 ;0, and ;0. -Reread !eE!2 -$om%le!e com%rehension ac!i"i!y as descri'ed a'o"e2 #rou$ 3 2.24 /9:'%1%:%%0 2Reread !eE! -$om%le!e com%rehension ac!i"i!y as descri'ed a'o"e2

#rou$ 1 ..3 /9:1%-9:'%0 -Reread !eE!2 -Do $om%rehension ac!i"i!y as descri'ed a'o"e2 -/or& wi!h s%elling words

#rou$ 1 ..3 /9:1%-9:'%0 -Reread !eE! -Do $om%rehension ac!i"i!y as descri'ed a'o"e2 -Play /ORDO wi!h s%elling words #rou$ 3 2.24 /9:'%1%:%%0 -Reread !eE! -Do $om%rehension ac!i"i!y as descri'ed a'o"e2 -Play /ORDO wi!h s%elling words

#rou$ 3 2.24 /9:'%-1%:%%0 -$$$ Reading2 5el% moni!or s!uden!s2

#rou$ 1 ..1 /9:1%-9:'%0 -Prac!ice 'oo& %2 ;0< and ;07 - /R0T0NB PROMPT: /ri!e a'ou! wha! !hey wan! !o do !his wee&end2 5a"e !hem underline all naming words @nouns2A @A! leas! . sen!ences2A HTurn 0n #rou$ 3 2.24 /9:'%-1%:%%0 -S!2 will com%le!e Iuic&reads on la%!o% com%u!ers2 - /R0T0NB PROMPT: /ri!e a'ou! wha! !hey wan! !o do !his wee&end2 5a"e !hem underline all naming words @nouns2A @A! leas! . sen!ences2A HTurn 0n

#rou$ 3 2.24 /9:'%-1%:%%0 -Reread !eE!2 -Do $om%rehension ac!i"i!y as descri'ed a'o"e2 -/or& wi!h s%elling words2

5nde$enden! Work /,eadin-/W ri!in-0 Li!era2y S!a!ions

Brou% , @J:.0 -8:;0A Brou% 2 @8:;0- 8:.0A Brou% ; @8:.0-;0:;0A -689/Word Work S!a!ion @Al%ha'e! recogni!ionA 8i- 8ook S!a!ion @4luencyDrhyming words- ca%2Dlower case le!!ers- high 4re:uency wordsA -Wri!in- S!a!ion @$om%le!e sen!ences-ca%2Dlower case le!!ers- end %unc!ua!ionA Ski""s S!a!ion @Sen!ence 'uilding- high 4re:uency words- ca%2Dlowercase le!!ers- end %unc!ua!ionA Lis!enin- S!a!ion @9luency- com%2- "oca'2A .oe!ry S!a!ion @9luency- com%2A 8uddy ,ead S!a!ion @9luency- com%2A

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