Prana 2010

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Prana 2010 Course Notes

(Last updated 27.September 2010)

A Prana antenna is an item that has been permanently altered on a sub-mole ular le!el" so that it a ts as a re ei!er and transmitter o# Prana (Li#e#or e). $ou an reate di##erent types Prana antennas. All-round Prana antennas are suitable #or %ater" oil and e!erythin& to %ear" li'e %ristbands" headbands" %raps et . Also suitable #or sheets" sleep pads and ell phone #ilters. One-Side Prana antennas are suitable #or ma'in& a (Prana dis ( (see belo%). One-Side Laser Prana antennas are suitable #or ma'in& ha'ra stones. )his is the most on entrated antenna. $ou an !ie% the di##erent antennas here" on an enlar&ement o# a &lass stone* one site is #lat" and the other o!al+

All-round Prana antenna

()he ener&y is omin& out o# all sides)

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,ne-side Prana antenna

()he ener&y is omin& out o# one side li'e a #lashli&ht)

,ne-side Laser Prana antenna

()he ener&y is on entrated li'e a laser out o# the bottom o# the stone)

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Creatin& Prana antennas

Let-s say that you %ould li'e to reate an all round Prana antenna out o# a &lass pebble. .e#ore %e ontinue %ith the pebble" let-s ma'e a de#inition on e and #or all. )his is an e/ample statement and you an alter it as you li'e. $ou only need to read this out (loud or mentally) on e and not e!ery time you reate antennas. From now on whenever I would like to have an item converted into a Prana antenna, I just have to define what kind of antenna I want and then gentl !lace it on the ta"le# 1. )a'e the &lass pebble in your hand and mentally de#ine 0All round antenna0. 2. Pla e the pebble on a table and lea!e #or a #e% se onds. 1. )he pebble is ready #or use2 (3a/imum stren&ht o# the antenna is rea hed a#ter 14 minutes) Noti e that step 1 does not start the reation pro ess. $ou do not do any ener&y %or' in this only de#ine. )he reation pro ess be&ins as soon as you pla e the pebble on the table. Let-s ta'e another e/ample. )his time %e %ill ma'e a Prana dis out o# ardboard or %ood. 1. 5irst mar' the side %here the Prana %ill &o out. )a'e the dis in your hand and mentally de#ine 0,ne side antenna0. 2. Pla e the dis on a table and lea!e #or a #e% se onds. 1. )he dis is ready #or use.

6/ample use #or all-round Prana antennas+

7ater an either be har&ed by Prana or reated as a Prana antenna. $hese are % different things# 7ater as Prana antenna+ 5ind a little bottle (e/. 40-200 millilitres) and #ill it %ith %ater (i# you are &oin& to 'eep the %ater #or lon&er periods use distilled %ater. )his %ill not &o stale). 3a'e a Prana antenna out o# the %ater. 8se+ 1-4 drops under ton&ue" 1 times a day. Later you an in rease the dose. )a'in& Prana %ater %ill slo%ly trans#orm your body into a Prana antenna. Char&in& %ater+ Create a Prana antenna out o# a pie e o# ardboard or %ood. Pla e a %ater bottle9:ar on it" #or appro/ 2-14 minutes . Prana %ill har&e the %ater %ith li#e#or e. Cell phone #ilter+ .uy some small %hite sti 'er dots #rom a boo'shop. )a'e one dot and 1 %%%.ole&abrielsen. om

ma'e it into a Prana antenna. Sti ' one on the ell phone battery. )his %ill neutrali;e the ne&ati!e e##e ts #rom 635. (,nly ma'e one dot at a time). ,il+ 5or massa&e and as an 0attunement oil0. Prana <orte/ =rid+ 3a'e > &lass pebbles9stones into Prana antennas. 7hen pla ed in a s?uare9re tan&le (at least 1 meter apart) it %ill reate a 0!orte/0 in the middle that has a leansin& e##e t. )his an be used e/ample at the ornors o# a messa&e table or on the #loor. $ou an also pla e one at ea h orner o# a bed and lea!e o!erni&ht. @t-s re ommended that the &rid is remo!ed %hen not in use.

6/ample use #or one-side Prana antennas+

Prana Ais + 1 round ardboard9%ood dis (> in hes or 10 entimetres in diameter). $ou an also use an empty CA-B. 3ar' one side" to sho% %here the ener&y %ill ome out. 3a'e it a one-side Prana antenna. 7ater and other items an pla ed on the dis #or 2-14 minutes or more. 5or a positi!e ener&i;ed en!ironment" ma'e 2 dis s and pla e them on opposite %alls dire tly #a in& ea h other. )he ener&y %ill then boun e o# the dis's and #ill the %hole room.

6/ample use #or one-side laser Prana antennas+

Prana Cha'ra =lass stone+ 7 stones9&lass pebbles %ith at least one #lat side. 3a'e C one-side laser antennas and 1 one-side antenna. =lue the one-side antenna on a pie e o# ardboard" li'e this+

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Lie do%n on the #loor9bed and pla e the C stones on the #ollo%in& ha'ras+ Boot" Dara" Solar Ple/us" Deart" )hroat and third eye. Pla e the se!enth near the ro%n ha'ra (about 12 in hes #rom the ro%n). Ao this #or appro/. 20 minutes #or meditation9rela/ation. Sin&ularly they an be pla ed9taped on blo 's or pla e o# on ern. $ou an also hoose to reate all the stones as ,ne-side antennas. )his %ay the ener&y %ill o!er more o# the ha'ra area. Prana Bod+ 1 %ooden do%el (e/. 4 in h hi&h and 1 in h thi '). 3a'e it a laser antenna so that the Prana %ill &o out o# one end (remember to mar' this end #irst). 8se as a po%er#ul healin& tool. ,ther items that you an use as Prana antennas+ Ee%els" massa&e oil" !itamins" lotions" sheets" loth" animal produ ts" paint" andles et . )ips+ $ou an ma'e a plaster into a laser antenna. Create 1 item at a time. $ou do not need to pla e an item on a table. $ou an e/ample :ust say 0)his %all %ill no% be oma a Prana antenna0 et . All antennas seems to be permanent and does not ener&eti ally 0#ade0.

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Aistribution o# Prana
@# you" as an e/ample" are &oin& to reate 2 Prana antennas" you ha!e to reate them one at a time. @# you reate 2 at the same time" both ha!e to share the supplied ener&y. @n this ase it %ould mean that they %ould only be ome hal# as stron& as i# they %ere reated one at a time. $ou should also 'no%" that the smaller the material is" the more on entrated the ener&y %ill be ome. 6/ample a sheet %ill distribute Prana out on a lar&e area" %hereas a little stone is !ery on entrated on a small area. )he o!erall ener&y %ill be the same thou&h.

Dere-s an e/ample on ho% to per#orm a healin& session+ 7ear an all round Prana antenna. Also pla e 2 Prana dis s on opposite %alls dire tly #a in& ea h other. )he ener&y %ill then boun e o# the dis's and #ill the %hole session room. Ao this 10-10 minutes be#ore the a tual session. )he person ould sit on a hair or pre#erable layin& do%n on a massa&e table. Consider a blan'et i# the person is layin& do%n. Start the healin& session by sayin& a prayer li'e this+ I call in m Angelic guardians and the a!!ro!riate Archangels# I ask that we will "e !rotected during this session and that we will receive the guidance we need# I ask that that or those Ascended &asters, Angels and Archangels that is needed in this session will come now and give 'name( the healing he)she needs# $hank ou*

)he healin& %ill start and i# you are sensiti!e to ener&y you %ill most li'ely #eel" that there %ill be a hu&e ener&y li#t. Let the ener&y run. Bela/ and obser!e. 8sually you do not need to pla e your hands on the re ei!er" but i# you #eel prompted to do so" then #ollo% that &uidan e. As' your An&eli &uardians to tell you %hen the session is #inished. @t ould be 4" 10" 14 minutes or somethin& else. )he %ay you mi&ht #eel that the session has ended ould be li'e a si&h and then the #eelin& o# ompleteness.

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=ently tell the re ei!er that the session is o!er. @t-s o' #or the re ei!er to :ust lay there and absorb the ener&y. Some %ill &et up #ast and others need to Fa%a'e0 slo%ly. As' %hat they e/perien ed and also tell them i# you noti ed anythin& durin& the session. )he abo!e e/ample an also be used as a sel# healin&. 5ollo% the same steps. )hen sit or lay do%n and say the prayer.

Do% to pass on the Prana attunement

)here are many %ays to pass on attunements. @ ha!e #ound that the less ompli ated you do it" the better the result %ill be ome. )he most important step %hen per#ormin& an attunement is the preparation pro ess. Ao not pass on attunements i# you #eel e/hausted or tired. @t-s better to %ait a day than to per#orm an only Fa!era&e0 attunement. @ re ommend usin& 1 tools #or the attunement preparation pro ess. )he #irst is an all round Prana antenna ( ould be a little stone or &lass nu&&et). 7ear this. )he se ond is the Prana dis . Create 2 dis s and pla e them on opposite %alls dire tly #a in& ea h other. )he ener&y %ill then boun e o# the dis's and #ill the %hole room (you an ta'e them do%n a&ain %hen you ha!e per#ormed the attunement). )he third is Prana ,il. $ou an use any oil" li'e oli!e" almond et . Bub a ouple o# drops into your hands be#ore you FBela/ and re har&e0. @ usually rest 4-10 minutes on my ou h to re har&e. @ lose my eyes and ompletely rela/. Dere are some e/amples on passin& on attunements+

FBeal li#e0 Attunements

)his method ould be used #or a li!e lass. 1. Bela/ and re har&e. (@ re ommend rubbin& a ouple o# drops o# Prana oil into your hands). 7hen you ha!e rested #or probably 4-10 minutes" rise and be #ully a%a'e. 2. State mentally or loud on e+ FPrana attunement #or (name)0. @# more than one person" ontinue %ith ea h name in the &roup. )he attunement %ill then start and a#ter around 12-14 minutes" it %ill stop.

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<ia distan e9email

)his method ould be used #or a distan e attunement" e/ample !ia email. @ re ommend that you do this one-time statement+ F6!ery time @ per#orm an attunement !ia email" it is F?ueued0 so that the re ei!er an ta'e it do%n any time he9she li'es.0 1. Bela/ and re har&e. (@ re ommend rubbin& 1-2 drops o# Prana oil into your hands.) 7hen you ha!e rested #or probably 4-10 minutes" rise and be #ully a%a'e. 2. State mentally or loud on e+ FPrana attunement ?ueued #or (name)0. @# more than one email" ontinue %ith ea h. $ou should pro!ide the re ei!er a method to re ei!e the attunement. $ou ould use somethin& li'e this in your email+
----------------------------------------------------Be ei!in& the attunement+ 1. Sit or lie do%n in a om#ortable position. 3entally say on e+ (@ %ill no% re ei!e the Prana attunement #rom (insert your name here).( )his %ill start the attunement and it %ill last #or 12-14 minutes. 2. )he attunement pro edure is done" but @ hi&hly re ommend that you 'eep your position #or another 10-24 minutes (or more i# you li'e). )his %ill &i!e the in reased #lo% o# the ener&y a han e to more rapidly be ome distributed and absorbed into your ener&y system. ----------------------------------------------------------

Noti e that @ re ommend that the re ei!er 'eep the position #or another 10-24 minutes. )his is also re ommended in li!e lasses" but thou&h ne!er re?uired to ha!e a su ess#ul attunement. )he abo!e attunement e/amples an also be used #or other attunement systems. @ hope that this ourse has inspired you to reate Prana tools #or yoursel# and lo!ed ones. Bemember that all the abo!e are only e+am!les2 5eel #ree to e/periment and ha!e #un reatin& these %onder#ul ener&y tools2 .lessin&s ,le G %%%.ole&abrielsen. om

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