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Summarise in five points the main features of marxist understanding of fascism?

The Communist Manifesto mentions 'reactionary socialism' implying political ideas which put the proleteriate with other classes facing the danger of capitalism and terms like 'feudal socialism','petty bourgeoisie','German socialism' describes this process. n The Eighteenth Brumaire,!arx argues that bourgeoisie were willing to compromise politically if their economic interest were protected.That "onaparte by safeguarding capitalist interest ' he regenerates its political power'. n #.$ondon's The Iron Heel, the working class success were hammered. t foretold fascism. $enin's Imperialism showed 'monopolies and finance capital' had gained great significance whereby the world is seperated among the leading capitalist states.%ompetition is visible in terms of armed struggle,nationalism and war are now becoming part of the system. The $eft view fascism as an elite movement aiming the destruction of the working class.&."ordiga says ''ascism,fundamentally,merely repeats the old game of the bourgeois left parties'.'or (.(orsch,as capitalism experienced crisis,fascism is considered suitable for the bourgeois.(orsch follows ).$uxemberg that humans has to select between barbarism or socialism.The right,G.*ibordi considers fascism as a mass movement,independant of capitalist control and petty bourgeoise playing a crucial role. n dielectical understanding, (.*etkin shows fascism as due to political phenomena effected by 'capitalist economy' crisis,with 'the standstill in the world revolution' making it possible for capitalist attack.G.Sas considers fascism with an ambition to crush working class and politcally use socialist and nationalist ideas to gain mass confidence. 'or &.Thalheimer,fascism totally destroyed working class achievements,allowed capitalist exploitations.That fascism and bonapartism are 'related phenomena'.Silone's Der Fascismus shows fascism inspite of petty bourgeoisie assistance, failed to solve their problems causing 'dictatorship of high finance' and 'repression'.'or Gramsci,'ascism base comprised of rural petty bourgeoisie and sub proleteriate prone to propaganda. t was a mass movement.&s an ideology,it solved 'a crisis of hegemony' but on ac+uiring power,it failed to fulfilled the masses needs.Trotsky views fascism as a mass movement and a reactionary ideology.The petty bourgeoisie aware of its own limitations supported it.,e considers fascism as 'the party of counter - revolutionary despair'. ).,ilferding defines fascism a 'totalitarian economy'. .Silone talks about the rise of 'corporatist state'...Guerin argues that fascism was 'subsidised' by heavy industries and big bankers.'or /.)eich,0123's crisis was a sexuality crisis.'or 4.'romm,alienation in capitalism was either to be accepted or re5ected,the option is between socialism and fascism.T.!ason argues that fascism dictates capitalism.!.6a5da argues that at times fascism contradicts capitalism.7oulant8as showed the complexity of the ruling class for hegemony where the petty bourgeoisie could not penetrate. 9n ,olocaust,'inskelstein's comments that the murders should be analyse resulting

from state's policy then blaming the soldiers.&lso,there is tension within 'ascism as a reactionary ideology and movement.&s (arl )adek puts,' t is precisely fascism strenght that forms the basis for its dowfall'.

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