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Assignment 4. Entomology: Pick the BEST POSSIBLE answer. 1. ToD re ers to: D a! Tem"erat#re at Death $! Tho#ghts on Death c!

Ten%ency o Doctors %! Time o Death &. Entomologists rely on ''DEAT(''''''''''''' o the insects to %etermine ToD. a! %eath $! s#ccession c! colo#r %! weight ). *hich actor was +OT mentione% as $eing taken into consi%eration when %etermining ToD, B a! Barometric "ress#re $! *in% s"ee% c! Preci"itation %! -lo#% 4. Photogra"hs o the cor"se sho#l% incl#%e: D a! the terrain $! the .egetation c! the insects on the $o%y %! all o the a$o.e /. The -lown $eetle goes thro#gh '''' stage %e.elo"ments a! 0 $! 1 c! & %! ) 1. *hen collecting insect s"ecimens rom the cor"se2 how many sho#l% $e ke"t ali.e rather than "reser.e%, a! Some $! All c! 3ost %! +one Which Came First? (2pts each) Ass#ming that all o the insects rea% the "ertaining lesson2 an% came in the or%er they are s#""ose% to2 name the insect that sho#l% $e to the cor"se irst. B#rying $eetle2 4o.e $eetle2 an% -arrion $eetle

5. S"i%er $eetle2 -arrion $eetle2 -lown $eetle 6. 7lesh ly2 (o#se ly2 Blow ly 8. 7lesh ly2 -lothes 3oth2 7iel% -ricket 10. B#rying $eetle2 4o.e $eetle2 -arrion $eetle 11. P#"a2 +ewly hatche% ly2 Egg 1&. )r% stage lar.ae2 S"i%er $eetle2 7iel% -ricket 1). &n% stage lar.ae2 P#"a2 S"i%er Beetle True or False (1pt each) 14. The car"et $eetle is one o the irst $eetles to arri.e to the cor"se.7LASE 1/. -lothes moths are noct#rnal.T49E 11. Once yo#:.e collecte% the insects2 weather tem"erat#re is not nee%e%.7LASE 15. 4o.e $eetles can $e #se% to %etect the "resence o %r#gs. 7LASE Extra Credit Part A ; -hoose one o the ollowing: a! -om"lete the crosswor% "#<<le2 either $y %oing it2 scanning it an% sen%ing me a link2 or $y listing the wor%s an% their associate% "osition. -LI-= (E4E. $! Draw2 "aint2 sc#l"t2 or an% create a "iece o artwork that relates to orensic entomology. It can $e a sketch o one o the insects %isc#sse%. They sho#l% $e #"loa%e% to a site s#ch as "hoto$ an% the link sent to me. c! *rite a &00 wor% essay %escri$ing the %i erences $etween the %i erent stages o a $low ly. Part B. 4ea% the ollowing mystery an% see i yo# can sol.e the "#<<le. *e:re getting

closer to the en% o the term now so the "#<<les are getting har%er> An% I can:t take #ll cre%it or the i%ea o this story ?$#t I can:t tell yo# where it:s rom>!. Detecti.e Ste an arri.e% at the @ewelery store he ha% $een s#mmone% to. The store ha% $een $roken into last night an% %isco.ere% this morning $y the sho":s owner. Ste an wan%ere% aro#n% the store o#tsi%e irst $e ore hea%ing in to talk to the owner. (e was care #l to ste" the glass that lay scattere% on the si%ewalk. The store:s ront win%ow ha% $een smashe%2 "ro$a$ly #se% as a "oint o entry. The si%e o the $#il%ing ha% no win%ows or air .ents. An% nothing $#t a %#m"ster $ehin% the store. Ste an "icke% his way $ack to the ront o the store an% went insi%e. The store owner went what he remem$ere% rom that morning. AThere isn:t m#ch to say> I arri.e% a ew min#tes late2 $#t no more than 10. *hen I arri.e% I notice% the $roken win%ow. I took my key an% #nlocke% the ront %oor. A ter s#r.eying how m#ch o the @ewelery was missing I "hone% the "olice. It:s ironic $eca#se o#r last sec#rity system was ol% an% o#t%ate%2 so it was %ismantle% yester%ay in "re"aration or installing a new system tomorrow.A Detecti.e Ste an no%%e% an% looke% at all the em"ty @ewelery cases2 $roken glass sitting where necklaces2 rings an% other treas#res sho#l% $e. (e walke% $ack o#tsi%e to his car an% calle% his s#"er.isor. ASir2 I think we might want to gi.e this man:s ins#rance com"any a call. (e hasn:t mentione% i the @ewelery was ins#re% or not2 $#t I:% $e willing to $et he:s trying to commit ins#rance ra#%>A What made Detective Stefan elieve this !asn"t a ro fraud? er#$ ut an attempt at

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