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Sione Fehoko A-2 1/9/14

Unconscious Bias vs. Unintentional Racism Today in the world you find a lot of unconscious bias and unintentional racism going on everywhere. This topic is a very touchy and broad subject for everybody in general. People now a days felt like just because you have different races of friends means youre not a racist. Sometimes people think if they treat other races like their own race, theyre not bias. Well I feel that is not true, and that some people think they are not racist or bias. To me deep down everyone has a little racist and bias in them no matter what race you are. The difference between unconscious bias and unintentional racism is that unconscious bias is how you perceive people, and how you react off of certain people and not what you know about them. Unintentional racism is what you think of them and not purposely meaning what you say. There are a lot of examples of being unconsciously bias like for example when you go to a place and you get out of a car, you notice the place is filled with a certain race. So you hide all your valuable stuff in your car so that theyre in a safe place. As for unintentional racism you may see some of your friends and say something that was racist but didnt literally mean it, which is an example of unintentional racism.

Sione Fehoko A-2 1/9/14

If this world didnt have unconscious bias and unintentional racism everybody would have the same thought which is impossible. Especially in the world knowing everyone is different and has different likes. This topic has helped me realize how different these two were and understand how everybody has a little bias and racism in them. The Test I took was the African American-European IAT Test. The results for the IAT Harvard test show that I strongly prefer to African Americans then European Americans. This test seemed pretty accurate from my point of view, and where I come from. These results I got didnt really surprised me in any way, I felt this test was pretty helpful.

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