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January 22nd, 2014 Presenter: Kayci Muray Participants: Sarah, Libby, Jennie Facilitator: Hannah Kehn Artifact: Art

Team School Survey Kaycis Guiding Question: Do you think this survey will elicit honest and useful feedback and thinking from staff? Action Step Brainstorming: Look at each question individually with your arts team (prior to administering survey) and answer what are we trying to find out? And what will we do with that information? Make sure your answers are in line with your intention behind this survey. Consider adding to Question #4 a question about whats already working for folks and/or what (resources, people, strategies) they are already finding helpful. Consider incorporating the Kennedy Center graphic (Libby will send) that shows the relationship between non arts curricula, arts enhancement and arts integration Consider incorporating some kind of spectrum or continuum (Sarah will send an example) that teachers will use to place where they are currently and where they want to be; use this to set goals with teachers for this year. Make sure theres enough time for teachers to complete the survey seeing as there as so many open ended questions. Remove Question #10. Seems like the whole survey will answer that question. When you ask teachers to identify what art they are integrating, you may want to provide them with options (drama, visual art, critique, music, etc) Keep Question #9; in fact, you could re-work this survey to be centered on tableau and how teachers are/are not using it. If the purpose of the survey is to gather data on whether or not teachers are using arts integration or enhancement, then make questions more detailed to reflect that (i.e. where you write integration, also include enhancement). If it is not, then make that clear to staff before they start the survey so that they understand the word integration in the questions can mean enhancement as well. Kaycis Reflections: I am reminded to fine tune the intention behind what were doing and what were moving towards. Thank you. This was great. Your suggestions about re-wording are huge. I loved the spectrum idea as a way to jump teachers into the survey.

I will also be sure to remove anything that could feel judgmental.

Group Debrief I am walking away with a ton of information I not only feel like I was able to give feedback, but I also now have ideas to apply to my own work This was great; we are getting better at this. The process is smoother. Thank you everyone for being on time and prepared.

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