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The Six Functions of a Family Functions of the Family Physical maintenance and care of group members Explanation Is the

act of physically caring for the members of the family so as to avoid the hardship that will result, unless society is organized to replace this function Example Ex. a house, electricity and heat in that house. Ex. putting a band aid on a paper cut. Institutions

Addition of new members Members of society must through procreation or procreate because in adoption order for a society to survive it must maintain a stable population. It also allows a country to become wealthier. Socialization of children The act of putting children in social settings with an end result of them learning skills, values and attitudes. it allows children to understand how to work and relate later on in life. Monitors and providing feedback to members of the family protects the reputation of the family.

Ex. giving birth to children, adopting children in need either from this country or another.

Ex. interact with authority figures in a respectful manner Ex. should and should nots

Social control of members

Ex. showing a child its not okay to throw food, pull hair, or jump on furniture

Production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services.

Providing financial support. Buying and selling goods in a consumer society.

Ex. give school supplies, clothes, healthy food and learning resources

Affective nurturance love

Morality and motivation for individuals to participate in society.

Ex. support Ex. acceptance

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