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Firstly, I would like to thank HJ. MOHD. JALANI BIN HJ. HASAN for giving me this task because it was an opportunity for me to get some experiences and knowledge through this coursework. I want to convey my deepest appreciation to all my fellow friends. They have helped me a lot in completing this coursework. I pray that God will bless them all. I have learned a lot of things through this coursework. I had to find information that was related to this coursework. Without wayarless make me difficult to find information about education and it giving problem to me.


I thank God for giving me the opportunities and chances for completing this assignment on time. With this assignment, I am able to improve my counting skills. When I started doing this coursework, I was afraid that I would not be able to complete it or even be able to do it but with hard work and help from my friends. Secondly, this subject gave me lot of information like current issue, education, environment, tourism and health. English is easy and convenience to be learned and understand, only need some effort to understand it.

Weakness During the journey of producing this coursework, Ive face many challenges such as having insufficient lack of time. In this semester we are too busy with many assignment and coursework. The lack of time is one of the common challenges that I had to get through.

Furthermore, I had to collect the information from various sources like internet, newspaper, and magazines. To collect all of this information, its made me visit the library and unfortunately, the book I wanted to borrow was gone. I had to look for the book after the book had been returned.With the guidance from my happy go lucky and sporting lecturer, this assignment can be completed.


I enjoyed doing this assignment because my friends and I were able to share our knowledge together and help each other when there problems. Last but not least, I hope that my assignment is accurate and following the criteria given. I think that is all for my reflection. Thank you.


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