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Voltage Classification - LV, MV and EHV

AC voltages have been classified in various manners. In earlier times, there were just two categories LV and HV. As the level of voltages increases, there was a need for more levels. However, there was ambiguity as to where each band ended and the other began. For instance, !V can be "V in some systems and HV in another. #he International $lectrotechnical Commission has classified the voltages into the following levels %I$C &''()*. #his classification system is fast gaining acce+tance. Low Voltage "edium Voltage High Voltage , u+ to '''V , '''V to (-!V , (-!V to .(' !V

$/tra High Voltage , above .(' !V. In some situations, the term 0ltra High Voltage is used to denote voltages above )'' !V. In addition, the I$C defines a voltage band !nown as the $/tra Low Voltage with a AC voltage less than 1' V.

Extra Low Voltage

$/tra low voltage refers to reduced voltages which are used in houses, +ar!s, gardens, swimming +ools to eliminate the ris! of electric shoc!. AC voltages below -' volts and 2C voltages below .' volts are considered to be $/tra Low Voltage. In many countries, $/tra Low Voltage su++lies are used to +ower traffic signals. #his has been facilitated with the advent of L$2 lighting technology. $/tra Low voltage systems can also be easily integrated with solar +anels as the generating voltage is lower.

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