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Weekly Knowledge #32 16 Jan 1996

IS GURU SATISFIED (TRIPTH) OR UNSATISFIED (ATRIPTH)? A student's job is to satisfy the Master. But how can you satisfy someone who is already satisfied? If Guru is satisfied, then your growth is shunned. If Guru is unsatisfied, he's away from the Self. If Guru is satisfied, then what can ins ire you to grow? If he's unsatisfied, he cannot be a Guru. If he's satisfied, he cannot be a Guru. So what is the answer?

Ljubljana Slovenia

NEWS FLASH Guruji arri!ed for the first time on "anuary #$th in the %roatian ca ital of &agreb. As soon as we landed, Guruji was dri!en straight to one of the largest concert halls in &agreb. Guruji first met with a grou of o!er a hundred rofessionals including doctors and members of the ress. A few hours later the hall was filled to ca acity for his e!ening lecture. 'he national tele!ision station filmed the entire tal(. )!er #** eo le waited outside unable to enter. Before addressing the large crowd Guruji went out to the lobby and greeted those who could not enter. +is tal( was e,-uisite and a soft feeling of grace and eace transformed the atmos here. At the end of the lecture many still waited outside for o!er two hours to get a glim se of Guruji. 'he ne,t e!ening Guruji ga!e his first tal( in .jubljana, Slo!enia. +undreds crowded into the /orld 'rade %enter. Guruji was soon o!erloaded with flowers from the grou . Guruji continued to tal( for an hour and a half as the enthusiastic crowd would not let him finish. 'he atmos here was charged with immense gratitude and celebration. 'he Art of .i!ing grou s in %roatia and Slo!enia ha!e done an e,cellent job. Guruji now flies off to 0ew 1or( for a tele!ision inter!iew and then it's on to the ad!anced course in +awaii2

Jai Guru Dev

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