3 Main Causes of Gynecomastia

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3 Main Causes of Gynecomastia?

The three main periods in which physiologic Gynecomastia will occur are in
neonates, during or before puberty, and in old age. The causes of this ailment are
really unclear and there is no clear cause. Some of the potential culprits appear to
be medications including hormones, an increase in serum estrogen, a decrease in a
testosterone production, androgen receptor defects, chronic kidney disease, chronic
liver disease, HIV, and several other chronic illnesses. There have also been
reported cases of Gynecomastia occurring as the result of a spinal cord injury and
also after refeeding starvation victims. However, in 25% of all cases of
Gynecomastia, the cause is simply unknown.

In post-adolescent adults it is believed that 10-20% of all cases of Gynecomastia are

a direct result of medications. Some of the medications that can cause
Gynecomastia are cimetidine, spironolactone, omeprazole, imatinib mesylate,
finasteride, and also some antipsychotics. By leading to increased secretion of
prolactin from the pituitary gland from the blocking of the actions of dopamine on
the cell groups in the anterior pituitary known as lactotrope the development of
male breasts is made possible. Other medications such as those used to treat
prostate cancer like antiandrogens and GnRH analogs are also thought to cause
Gynecomastia. Another cause that is thought to bring on Gynecomastia is marijuana
usage, though published data contradicts this claim.

It is also possible that increased estrogen levels can take place in some testicular
tumors as well as in hyperthyroidism. Some adrenal tumors can cause elevated
levels of androstenedione, which is then converted into estrone, which is a form of
estrogen, by the enzyme aromatase. All other forms of tumors that secrete hCG can
also increase estrogen as well. In liver cirrhosis, a decrease in estrogen clearance
can occur which many also lead to Gynecomastia. The reason obesity can lead to
Gynecomastia is also in the fact that it increases estrogen levels.

In a recent study it was found that repeated application of products containing tea
tree oils and lavender, as well as some other unidentified ingredients may be linked
to the development of Gynecomastia in prepubescent males. The theory behind this
is that the ingredients produce estrogenic and antiandrogenic activity. With that
said, there were other circumstances surrounding the study and the sample size
was limited to three individuals therefore no real scientific conclusions could be

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