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1950s Timeline - USA 1950

First Modern Credit Card Introduced First Organ Transplant First "Peanuts" Cartoon Strip Korean War Begins Senator Joseph McCarthy Begins Communist Witch unt !"S" President Truman Orders Construction o# ydrogen Bom$


Color T% Introduced South &#ricans Forced to Carry I' Cards Identi#ying (ace Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan) O##icially *nding WWII Winston Churchill &gain Prime Minister o# +reat Britain


Car Seat Belts Introduced The +reat Smog o# ,-./ Jac0ues Cousteau 'isco1ers &ncient +ree2 Ship Polio %accine Created Princess *li3a$eth Becomes 4ueen at &ge /.


'5& 'isco1ered First Playboy Maga3ine illary and 5orgay Clim$ Mt" *1erest Joseph Stalin 'ies Julius and *thel (osen$erg *6ecuted #or *spionage


Britain Sponsors an *6pedition to Search #or the &$omina$le Sno7man First &tomic Su$marine 8aunched (eport Says Cigarettes Cause Cancer (oger Bannister Brea2s the Four9Minute Mile Segregation (uled Illegal in !"S"


'isneyland Opens *mmett Till Murdered James 'ean 'ies in Car &ccident Mc'onald:s Corporation Founded (osa Par2s (e#uses to +i1e !p er Seat on a Bus Warsa7 Pact Signed


*l1is +yrates on *d Sulli1an:s Sho7 +race Kelly Marries Prince (ainier III o# Monaco ungarian (e1olution Khrushche1 'enounces Stalin Sue3 Crisis T"%" (emote Control In1ented %elcro Introduced


'r" Seuss Pu$lishes The Cat in the Hat *uropean *conomic Community *sta$lished So1iet Satellite Sputnik 8aunches Space &ge 8ai2a Becomes the First 8i1ing &nimal to *nter Or$it


Boris Pasterna2 (e#uses 5o$el Pri3e Chinese 8eader Mao ;edong 8aunches the "+reat 8eap For7ard" ope 'iamond is 'onated to the Smithsonian ula oops Become Popular 8*+O Toy Bric2s First Introduced 5&S& Founded Peace Sym$ol Created


Castro Becomes 'ictator o# Cu$a International Treaty Ma2es &ntarctica Scienti#ic Preser1e Kitchen 'e$ate Bet7een 5i6on and Khrushche1 The Sound of Music Opens on Broad7ay !"S" 4ui3 Sho7s Found to $e Fi6ed

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