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Andreas Werckmeister (1645-1706) Die nothwendigsten Anmerckungen und Regeln wie der Bassus continuus, oder General-Bass wohl

knne tractieret werden Aschersleben 1698

Nor is it advisable that one should always blindly play together with the vocalist or instruments the dissonances which are indicated in the Through-Bass, and duplicate them. For, when the singer is expressing pleasing sentiment (einen anmuthigen affectum) by the dissonance written, a thoughtless accompagnist (GeneralBassiste), if he walk not warily, may spoil the whole pleasing effect with the same dissonance; therefore the figures ( Signaturen) and dissonances are not always put in in order that one should just blindly play them (so krasse mitmache), but one who understands composition can see by them what the author`s idea is, and avoid countering them with anything wherby the harmony would be impaired. (Seite 42) (Englische bersetzung von F. T. Arnold, 1931)

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