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Advertising, Sales Promotion and Distribution The objective of the course is to provide students with detailed knowledge of some of the marketing mixes such as Distribution and Promotion. The prerequisite for the course is Marketing Management offered in II semester. . !dvertising" #hanging concept$ role of advertising in a developing econom%$ a critical appraisal$ t%pes of advertisement consumer$ industrial$ institutional$ retail$ trade and professional$ advertisement in marketing mix. &. 'rganising for !dvertising" !dvertising department and advertisement manager$ objectives and functions ( )ole of advertisement agencies functioning of advertisement agencies. !dvertising agenc% skills and service$ client agenc% relationship. *. !dvertisement budgets" T%pes$ determining optimal expenditure$ decision models$ sales response and deca%$ communication$ state$ competitive share. +. !d media" #haracteristics$ media selection$ optimi,ing and non optimi,ing approaches$ media scheduling$ media research( -ources of themes" !dapting presentation to medium campaign$ .-P$ brand image$ positioning$ purchase proposition and creative interpretation$ insertions$ contract. /. !dvertisement" 0isual la%out$ art work$ production traffic cop%$ effective use of words$ devices to get greater readership interrelation. 1. !dvertisement effectiveness" Pre(testing$ post testing$ experimental designs. 2. -ales Promotion" Definition$ role$ t%pes$ consumer sales promotion$ dealer displa% contests$ discounts$ bonus offers$ retail merchandising techniques. Publicit%" Public relations campaign$ use of press$ radio and T0$ opinion building$ customer service and communit% service. 3. Public )elations$ Publicit% and corporate advertising. Process of P)$ Publicit%$ power of publicit%$ control and dissemination of publicit%$ advantages and disadvantages. References -piro$ -tanton 4 )ich" Management of -ales 5orce$ TM6$ &772. 8eorge 9 :elch and Michael ! :elch$ !dvertising and Promotion$ 1 th 9dition$ TM6$ &771.

:atra " !dvertising Management /;e Pearson 9ducation$ &772. <obber " -elling and -ales Management 1;e Pearson 9ducation. #low " Integrated !dvertising$ Promotion and Marketing #ommunications Pearson 9ducation$ &772. =ells " !dvertising "Principles and Practice 1;e Pearson 9ducation. -66 >a,mi$ -atish :atra$ !dvertising 4 -ales Promotion & nd ed 9xcel :ooks &771

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