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%% RadialDistortion - Perform radial distortion correction % Usage: imgOut = RadialDistortion(imgIn, a1, a2, showOutput) % Inputs: % imgIn = input image

(grayscale or color) % a1 = amplitude of the quadratic term % a1 < 0: pincushion distortion % a1 > 0: barrel distortion % a2 = amplitude of the quartic term % Outputs: % imgOut = output image % % Created: 08/19/09, Hoang Trinh %-------------------------------------------------------------------------function imgOut = RadialDistortion(imgIn, a1, a2, showOutput) if nargin < 4 showOutput = 0; end [nrows,ncols,nz] = size(imgIn); [xi,yi] = meshgrid(1:ncols,1:nrows); imid = round(size(imgIn)/2); % Find index of middle element % radial barrel distortion xt = xi(:) - imid(2); yt = yi(:) - imid(1); [theta,r] = cart2pol(xt,yt); rMax = sqrt(imid(1)*imid(1) + imid(2)*imid(2)); % normalize so that 0<=r<=1 r = r./rMax; % a = .001; % Try varying the amplitude of the cubic term. % a = -.0005; % Try varying the amplitude of the cubic term. resamp = makeresampler('linear','fill'); %s = a1*r + a2*r.^3; s = 1 + a1*(r.^2) + a2*(r.^4); s = s.*r; s = s.*rMax; [ut,vt] = pol2cart(theta,s); u = reshape(ut,size(xi)) + imid(2); v = reshape(vt,size(yi)) + imid(1); tmap_B = cat(3,u,v); imgOut = tformarray(imgIn,[],resamp,[2 1],[1 2],[],tmap_B,.3); if showOutput figure, imshow(imgOut); title('barrel'); end end

%a % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

amplitude of the cubic term a < 0: pincushion distortion a > 0: barrel distortion

function imgOut = RadialDistortion(imgIn, a1, a2) [nrows,ncols, nz] = size(imgIn); [xi,yi] = meshgrid(1:ncols,1:nrows); imid = round(size(imgIn)/2); % Find index of center pixel % radial distortion correction xt = xi(:) - imid(2); yt = yi(:) - imid(1); [theta,r] = cart2pol(xt,yt); s = 1 + a1*(r.^2) + a2*(r.^4); xNew = round(xt .* s); yNew = round(yt .* s); ncolsNew = max(xNew) - min(xNew) + 1; nrowsNew = max(yNew) - min(yNew) + 1; xNew = max(1,round(xNew + ncolsNew/2)); yNew = max(1,round(yNew + nrowsNew/2)); imgOut = zeros(nrowsNew, ncolsNew,nz); for i = 1:length(xNew) imgOut(yNew(i),xNew(i),:) = imgIn(yi(i),xi(i),:); end % % % % % % [ut,vt] = pol2cart(theta,s); u = reshape(ut,size(xi)) + imid(2); v = reshape(vt,size(yi)) + imid(1); tmap_B = cat(3,u,v); resamp = makeresampler('linear','fill'); imgOut = tformarray(imgIn,[],resamp,[2 1],[1 2],[],tmap_B,.3);

figure, imshow(imgOut); title('barrel'); end

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