Performance Rationale-1

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Unit 229

Name: Josie Darkins For this unit we have chosen to perform 'We are Complicated' by Avril Lavinge and Taylor Swift, 'Call me ayphone' by !urt Schneider, 'Cold Coffee' by "d Sheeran, '#ts $bviously all About you' by %cfly and 'Time of &our Life' by 'reenday and 'The Four Chord %edley' by us( We have chosen to perform these pieces because they suit my vocal range, they're appropriate for our image and they suit our technical abilities( They are all upbeat, feel)good songs which can be performed acoustically( Also, they all fit in with the teenage vibe we aim to give out( *osie is a +een singer whose previous e,perience as a performer includes participating in the chorus for school productions, being a member of the school choir and female acapella vocal group The Singoritas( She has some e,perience of solo performing in front of a small audience and is +een to build further on this( -ecently, she has formed a group called olyphonics with two of her peers %atthew and 'eorge where she is the main singer( %atthew has been playing guitar since he was . when he received lessons off his father( When he was /0 %atthew decided to start singing and also too+ drum lessons for a year( 1e has been in both school productions, playing a crew member in the first one and the main part of 'alileo in the second production( %atthew has been a member of the school choir and the all male acapella vocal group the Acafellas( 1e has also performed in a local talent competition( #n the group, %atthew is the main percussionist and also plays guitar and sings( 'eorge too+ guitar lessons at the young age of 2 and since then he has begun singing( 1e 3oined the school choir in year 2 and is now a member of the Acafellas with %atthew( 'eorge has also participated in the chorus of all school productions such as -eturn to the Forbidden lanet and School's Will -oc+ &ou( As well as this he has learnt to play the u+ulele and played it for a local talent competition( 'eorge plays u+elele and guitar for the group and sometimes sings( To prepare for rehearsals and ultimately the final performance we will4 5 "nsure we have all done our personal preparations prior to the rehearsals( 5 %a+e sure that we tune all instruments and we warm up our voices( 5 -ecord a blog at the end of every rehearsal summarising what we have achieved so far and what our future targets are( 5 As+ for feedbac+ at +ey points in the rehearsal process once the first draft of a piece is completed(

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