Active and Passive Voice

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The active and the passive voice

We usually use the active voice in writing and speaking. E.g. The girl kicked the ball.
to someone or something else (recipient)

Someone or something (the agent)

does something (verb)

The active and the passive voice

Heres another e ample! The rain soaked the "ield.

Someone or something (the agent)

does something (verb)

to someone or something else (recipient)

The active and the passive voice

#n the passive voice$ we change this around$ so that the recipient has something done to it by the agent. E.g. The ball was kicked
has something done to it (verb)

by the girl

Someone or something (recipient)

by someone or something (the agent)

The active and the passive voice

%ets see that again. The "ield was soaked by the rain

Someone or something (recipient)

has something done to it (verb)

by someone or something (the agent)

The active and the passive voice

#n these e amples$ spot the use o" the active voice and the passive voice. The music was played by the DJ. The sun was hidden by the clouds. Delighted fans streamed onto the pitch. Marie wrote the letter to the headteacher. Danny was praised by the headteacher. passive passive active active passive

The active and the passive voice

Sometimes in passive sentences$ the agent is le"t out. The "ield The agent & 'the was soaked rain by the & israin le"t out.
has something done to it (verb)

Someone or something (recipient)

Why do you by someone think that the or something agent might be (the agent) le"t out in this e ample(

The active and the passive voice

)ompare these sentences. *ne has the agent$ and the other hasnt. +iscuss the di""erences. see was your car was The#man murdered damaged last night by by someone, my "riend The man was # see your car was murdered, damaged last night. -ar leave We better do not to know who out i" so you did the the agent murder dont want is tonot be the agent involved, needed. #ts more dramatic without it.
)reate your own passive sentences which would be best without an agent. 7

The active and the passive voice

The passive is generally "ound in more "ormal kinds o" te ts$ such as reports$ "orms$ evaluations$ etc. E.g. . small amount o" water was added to the beaker$ while the mi ture was heated using a /unsen&burner.

The passive is used because the person doing the action (the agent) is not needed. 8

The active and the passive voice

Sometimes the passive voice is appropriate in a story because it is used to describe a person being a""ected by events$ 0ust like in this passage!
#n the middle o" the night Sebastian was woken by the most hideous scream. He 0erked upright and his eyes sprang open. He was even more terri"ied by what he saw then.His "lesh turned to goose bumps and his very blood curdled. His body was gripped by a paro ysm o" horror. (passage courtesy o" '1rammar "or Writing +"ES)

2sing the passive voice appropriately Either! )ontinue this story *r! )reate your own story where the protagonist responds to events

The active and the passive voice

%ook out "or the use o" the passive voice in sentences. Try to establish the e""ect o" the passive in di""erent te ts. 2se it in your own writing when appropriate.


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