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I hate irregular verbs!

Be Become Begin Break Bring Buy Can Choose Cut Do Drink Eat Fall Feel Find Forget Get Give Go Have Hold Know Learn Leave Lose Make Meet


Present Simple

Present Continuous

Past Simple

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Maria (live) in a small house by the beach. John cant talk at the moment. He (have) a bath. Tom (always/go) to work by bus. Last year, we (go) on holiday to Thailand. In 1912, the Titanic (hit) an iceberg and (sink). She (meet) her friends every night, but tonight she (stay) at home. 7. (Dina/watch) T.V. at the moment? 8. -You (not/come) to tennis practice yesterday. -Im sorry, I (have) a lot of homework to do. 9. Jim (not/usually/cook). 10. Hey (you/go) to the supermarket? Can you give me a lift? 11. My favourite football team (win) the World Cup last year. 12. (they/watch) this funny T.V. show every Sunday evening? 13. -Why (not/Lucy/come) to Harrys party? -She (have) to study for an exam. 14. I (look) for a new apartment these days. 15. The bus (arrive) at 8.15am. 16. Alexander the Great (be) an ambitious man. 17. We (visit) the Eiffel Tower yesterday. Now we (go) to Louvre. 18. She (not/like) football. She (prefer) volleyball.

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