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Udaykumar Upendra Kamuni.

House No-1747, Datta Nagar, Solapur 413005. Maharastra, India.

-!ail"uda#$u!ar%$a!uni&#ahoo.' Mo(ile" )3*54++*50

See$ing a position to utili,e !# s$ills and a(ilities in the leading 'orporate industr# that o--ers .ro-essional gro/th /hile (eing resour'e-ul, inno0ati0e and -le1i(le.

Personal Profile:
Na!e Date o- 4irth 6ge Se1 Marital Status 7anguages $no/n Nationalit# Ho((ies " 2da#$u!ar 2. 3a!uni. " 04-0*-1)57. " *0 " Male. " Single " nglish, Hindi, Marathi and Telugu. " Indian. " 7istening Musi', .la#ing 8ri'$et, reading 4oo$s.

Educational Qualifications:
a] Secondary and Higher Secondary Education: Exam S.S.8. Name of Institute Year of passing *00* *004 Board .une .une Percentage 50.009 5*.539

Shri Mar$ande#a High S'hool Solapur. H.S.8 D.4.:. Da#anand 'ollege, Solapur.

b] Engineering Education: Institution: Walchand Institute of Technology Sola!ur "ranch: #echanical$ Exam :. . S. . ;. . Year of passing *004 *005 *00+ Board/Uni ersity Solapur 2ni0ersit# Solapur 2ni0ersit# Solapur 2ni0ersit# %&$'() Percentage "em#I 71.00 74.00 +).+0 "em#II +5.5+ 7*.71 !lass Distin'tion Distin'tion Distin'tion

Overall engineering !ercentage:

Soft*are E+!osure:
O!erating Syste,s -anguages Pac.ages Suits Subject of interest $ <in)5 =>.. $8 " 6uto-8ad, 8atia ?5@10. $ Design A !anu-a'turing, In0entor# Se'tion.

/o0curricular 1ctivities:
1cade,ic 1chieve,ents: 1st Rank holder in SSC in class. Stud in top 10 in F.E. 2004-05. Secured 2nd Rank in S.E. 2005-06. Project on letter !o" indicator# in $SC. Se,inar: B+ Stro$e engineC at <I;, Solapur. B:un'tions o- !anage!entC at <I; Solapur. B D. A SSIC at <I; Solapur. 6ttended an Industrial ;raining A 8ase stud# on B8#linder Heads A :l# <heel HousingC in Shree ngg <or$s, Solapur.

E+tra0curricular 1ctivities:
1ctive #e,ber of: Me'hani'al ngg. Student 6sso'iation *004-*005 and *005-*00+. Danesh 2tsa0 8o!!ittee. Me!(er o- 6d0ertise!ent Se'tion o- <I;N SS -0+. ?olunteer o- 4lood Donation 8a!p *00+-07. .arti'ipated in %t&ar a '() '*. .arti'ipated in "troke Utsa '(#'*. Me!(er o- 8ollege 8ri'$et ;ea! -or #ear *004-05.

I 'onsider !#sel- -a!iliar /ith Me'hani'al 6spe'ts. I a! also 'on-ident o!# a(ilit# to /or$ in a tea!. I here(# de'lare that the in-or!ation -urnished a(o0e is true to the (est o- !# $no/ledge.

+U,%YKU-%. U. K%-UNI./

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