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Is it written anywhere that life is supposed to be fair? Most people would like it to be but even thou h the !o"pellin "a#ority of the population a rees that life should be fair$ why isn%t it? &ne way to look at this$ is to visuali'e that everyone in the world is (naked%) *ou$ "e$ everyone! +he first rea!tion would be "assive, e"otions would ran e fro" passion to loathin , fro" hysteria to any nu"ber of phobias) It would ive a new spin to the sayin (the !rowded elevator has "ore than - person in it%) Althou h$ after ti"e everyone would et used to it, the perversion would ive way to !uriosity$ and the (novelty% of bein nude would fade to dull and borin ) .udity paints a pi!ture of who we all are without all the (window dressings() So"e "ay be a bit un!o"fortable at the thou ht of this !on!ept, so"e "ay be hi hly infuriated, or so"e "ay be !o"pletely swit!hed on to what I a" talkin about) See and feel yourself in the (Naked World%) What would you do? /ow would you feel? Who would you be fair to? Who would be fair to you? What reason would you ive others to be fair to you? You have just experienced a mental photography exercise! *ou did it without even knowin you were doin so"ethin ) In this e0er!ise$ you have utili'ed Mental Photography to visuali'e yourself in a different reality) +his ives a reat perspe!tive to what your !urrent paradi " is) So"eti"es$ to understand what you !arry within your paradigm$ it is i"portant to "ove out of what you !lass as your (!o"fort 'one%) +his shows you what is .&+ in your 'one of !o"fort) 1ue to your personal involve"ent with this brain e0er!ise it is possible to e0plore your boundaries with Mental Photography) If you !hoose to$ you !an push those boundaries out and experience more of what life offers)

2ontent provided by3 Mind +o Mind 4 +he 5rain A!!elerator Mind 6ower +hink +ank 4 5rain E0er!ise$ Mental 1evelop"ent$ Innovation$ and 1is!overy

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