Tri-Comb Tower

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Tri-Comb Tower

All throughout time honey bees have made their homes, the honeycomb, as hexagonal structures. In a hexagonal grid each line is as short as it can possibly be if a large area is to be filled with the fewest number of hexagons. This means that honeycombs require less wax to construct while remaining strong under pressure. The fault was not of the structure neither that of the bees nor anything purely of nature but the human beings who had long since forsaken nature and cut their roots from that which gave them life. When push came to shove and the world ate away at itself it was not the science that gave any hope of redemption, or the shear strength that anyone could muster up but simple resounding humility that finally gave sentient, intelligent life any chance to survive. Honey bees are one of the cruxes of our existence. They help pollinate the plants. There is no better avenue. These plants make for our natural food source. Not the synthetic kind that mankind could no longer seem to absorb. Therefore to survive mankind had to save the simple and non-descript honeybee. Such a small thing yet so important. But the honeybees were dying out. Thanks to the new terra-formed earth by our ancestors hands the hexagonal structure of the honeycomb wasnt strong enough to survive. And as of a result the honeybee wasnt able to survive without its home or food. A new, stronger alternative needed to found or the honeybees refused pollinate or make honey. With the advanced understanding of genetics scientists were able to discern a neural map for the honeybees. Here is where they tried to enact the change. On a chemical level. Via genetic splicing is how they tried to guide the honeybees into making stronger structures for their honeycombs. The one structure well understood and tested over millennia to stand more firm and stable in the harshest of environment: the Triangle. Through many trials and errors, and heart wrenching failures the honeybees found in themselves the instinctive belief and trust of the triangle such that they started constructing three dimensional structures where every face was triangular. This more stable structure of the honeycomb proved that it was able to survive in the now harsher environment of earth, and the honeybees thrived. Pollination began anew and mankind found another chance. This was the way we slowly found our way back to nature where we belong.

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