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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Michael Fox ICR, Inc. for Michaels Phone: (203) 682 82!

8 (203) 2"8 #"2$ %&ail: Michael.Fox' Michaels Provides Information on Certain Customer Payment Cards IR(I)*, +, - .an/ar0 2", 20!1 - Michaels 2tores, Inc. (the 3Co&4an05 or 3Michaels5) recentl0 learned of 4ossi6le fra/d/lent acti7it0 on so&e 8.2. 4a0&ent cards that had 6een /sed at Michaels, s/99estin9 that the Co&4an0 &a0 ha7e ex4erienced a data sec/rit0 attac:. +he Co&4an0 is ;or:in9 closel0 ;ith federal la; enforce&ent and is cond/ctin9 an in7esti9ation ;ith the hel4 of third 4art0 data sec/rit0 ex4erts to esta6lish the facts. <ltho/9h the in7esti9ation is on9oin9, 6ased on the infor&ation the Co&4an0 has recei7ed and in li9ht of the ;idel0 re4orted cri&inal efforts to 4enetrate the data s0ste&s of 8.2. retailers, Michaels 6elie7es it is a44ro4riate to let its c/sto&ers :no; a 4otential iss/e &a0 ha7e occ/rred. 3=e are concerned there &a0 ha7e 6een a data sec/rit0 attac: on Michaels that &a0 ha7e affected o/r c/sto&ers> 4a0&ent card infor&ation and ;e are ta:in9 a99ressi7e action to deter&ine the nat/re and sco4e of the iss/e,5 said Ch/c: R/6in, C%?. 3=hile ;e ha7e not confir&ed a co&4ro&ise to o/r s0ste&s, ;e 6elie7e it is in the 6est interest of o/r c/sto&ers to alert the& to this 4otential iss/e so the0 can ta:e ste4s to 4rotect the&sel7es, for exa&4le, 60 re7ie;in9 their 4a0&ent card acco/nt state&ents for /na/thori@ed char9es.5 Mr. R/6in added, 3+hro/9ho/t o/r 10 0ear histor0, o/r c/sto&ers ha7e al;a0s 6een o/r n/&6er one 4riorit0 and ;e dee4l0 re9ret an0 incon7enience this &a0 ca/se. +he 4ri7ac0 and sec/rit0 of o/r c/sto&ers> infor&ation is of critical i&4ortance to /s and ;e are foc/sed on addressin9 this iss/e.5 Michaels ;ill 4ost infor&ation related to its on9oin9 in7esti9ation as a44ro4riate on the Co&4an0>s ;e6site, ;;;.& About Michaels Ir7in9, +exas 6ased Michaels 2tores, Inc. is )orth <&erica>s lar9est s4ecialt0 retailer of arts, crafts, fra&in9, floral, ;all decor and seasonal &erchandise for the ho660ist and do it 0o/rself ho&e decorator.

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