BI WDEBU7 Workshop System

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Logical system Names: The SAP Recommendation BW source system ALE configuration: SAP source systems are identified via their logical system name (assigned to each client in SCC4) Source systems identify BW via its logical system name If all source system clients have the same logical system name, and all BW systems have the same logical system name (not recommended) , system copy is easy - just change server hostname in SM59 SM59 is the interface manager this is where the RFC destinations are defined Simultaneous copies of a pair of systems (BW, R/3) still preferable: datasource object consistency is guaranteed copying R/3 only or BW only is possible without major effort additional transports may be required to repair consistency.

Non-unique Logical system Names: The Gotchas Central User Administration Scenarios. Each system is uniquely identified by logical system name to CUA CUA still possible with recommended landscape, but complex CUA configuration may be required. Complex ALE scenarios in the system landscape (for example, central management of master data) may result in added complexities. Logical system names may need to be unique. M:1 or 1:M source system connections: If there are 2 or more R/3 system connected to 1 BW, the R/3 systems must have different logical system names. If there are 2 or more BW systems connected to 1 R/3 system, the BW systems must have different logical system names.

Tipps: 1. Avoid refreshes by maintaining strict controls within change management procedures 2. When copying BW systems, copy the source system's) simultaneously 3. When copying R/3 source systems, copy the related BW system at the same time 4. Non-unique logical system names make life easy, under certain conditions 5. Always backup systems before overwriting them 6. Carefully research and plan all aspects of the procedure prior to executing the refresh

Useful and additional Notes: Note 886102: System Landscape Copy for SAP NetWeaver BW Note 885343: SAP System Landscape Copy (SAP BP Guide) Note 793717: Client copy into the BW client in NetWeaver/mySAP ERP Note 885441: Common Migration Errors Note 790099: R/3 Parameter Settings for Unicode conversion Note 888210: NetWeaver 7.0/7.10: System copy (supplementary note) Note 771209: NW04: System Copy (supplementary note) Note 777024: BW3.0 and BW3.1 System Copy (supplementary note) Note 733623: Oracle export/import for BW system copies Note 771191: Copy BW objects to new tablespaces Note 875986: Note Assistant: Important notes (SNOTE) Note 936441: Oracle 9.2 settings for R3load based system copy Note 928474: Error exporting the DDLOG package Note 896023: Incorrect CREATE INDEX statement in DFACT.SQL Note 942540: System copy fails on SAPDFACT import Note 898358: R3load: Entries in "/MAXDB/INDEXSTATEMENTS" are kept Note 901592: Inconsistent change log tables after migration Note 849857: Potential data loss in PSA/change log Note 856097: Check and repair program for Note 849857

Notes for the SAP BW system copy and CTS (maybe outdated or replaced): 184754 325525 121163 122679 116520 127326 184586 184971 140276 544509 543715 147243 142100 122814 117395 Procedure for the BW database copy Copying and renaming systems in a BW environment BDLS: logical source system names You may only work in client XXX. Brain 009 Installation / copying client 000 in the BW System CTS for InfoSources, Update Rules, etc. System changeability and BW Notes on BW source system connections Error when connecting source systems ALE: Converting the name of the "logical system" Pilot Projects for migrations and system copies DB-copy Scenario for NT/I386 systems New SAP Service with 4.5B Authorization problems during the NT Migration Oracle 8.x Authorization problems for file I/O on Windows NT

Other Notes for the NT/I386 Environment:

Note that for the BW 3.5 (Basis 6.40) the pilot project status is not needed anymore. See Note 771209 for more Details


Refer also to the section restore of source systems See also Note 416772 The temporary tablespace (tempsize) should be at least twice the size of the largest DB index. More Notes to consider/apply: Note 899966: Oracle: Error in homogeneous migration, primary index missing Note 925309 Oracle: Problems in homogeneous migration Note 931333: Single indexes on dimension tables after system migration Note 948780 - Incorrect indexes in ABAP Dictionary after post-migration Note 830965 - VBDATA, DDLOG: size and increase in size


tablespace types: As of Oracle 8.1.7, there are exactly the following four types of table spaces as regards the extent management and tablespace content: (1) Dictionary (2) Dictionary (3) Locally (4) Locally permanent temporary permanent temporary USER (INITIAL, NEXT, ...) USER (INITIAL, NEXT, ...) UNIFORM or system (AUTOALLOCATE) UNIFORM

Up to Oracle 8.1.7, the default for EXTENT MANAGEMENT was always DICTIONARY (except for type (4)). A "TEMPORARY tablespace" A "tablespace ... TEMPORARY" (type 4) is always(!) "LOCAL UNIFORM". (type 2) is always(!) "DICTIONARY".

A "LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE" tablespace (type 3) is always(!) "PERMANENT". In the Oracle data Dictionary, you can find: - datafiles (for types 1,2,3) in DBA_data_files and V$datafile, - TEMPFILES (for type 4) in DBA_TEMP_FILES and V$TEMPFILE.


More Additional Checks: If you still using InfoCubes Models from BW 3.x run Program SAP_FACTVIEWS_RECREATE, even that you already on BW Release 7.0x Run the Program SAP_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_REPAIR in advance to repair BW specific indexes beforehand Run the Program SAP_DROP_TMPTABLES, check regularly the latest Notes for this Program, like Note 883843, 974639 and 1106393 (mandatory)! Details for BW specific temporary Objects can be found in the Notes 1139396 and 1168412 Check also for Table DBDIFF the Function Module RSDDTMPTAB_CLEANUP with I_NAMETYPE='01' to 06 (Temp Prefixes) ONLY for cleanup old temporary table entries. In conjunction you can also use the Program SAP_UPDATE_DBDIFF to clean the table DBDIFF. You may run /$sync before. See also Note 1035373. Check the Table RSDD_TMPNM_ADM (see Note 811354 for details) - select count (*) from <schema-id>. RSDD_TMPNM_ADM where nametype = '06; delete from <schema-id>. RSDD_TMPNM_ADM where nametype = '06' and free = 'X; - select count (*) from <schema-id>. RSDD_TMPNM_ADM where nametype = '01 delete from <schema-id>. RSDD_TMPNM_ADM where nametype = '01' and free = 'X' Use the Program RSRA_CLUSTER_TABLE_REORG to clean entries in Table RSIXWWW. See Note 589899 for more details. Alternatively, you may use report RS_NAMT_CLEAR described in note 152420 (Note 1051132!) In Advance you may also truncate tables DDLOG and DBTABLOG before upgrade.


More Additional Checks - continued: Report RSAR_PSA_PARTITION_CHECK (Note 1042182) Report SAP_PSA_PARTNO_CORRECT and RSAR_PSA_CLEANUP_DIRECTORY (Note 1102626) On Unix please make sure that the Export directory has enough rights for writing the DDL scripts directly to the directory. For System Copy on Oracle you may create space statistics beforehand, see Note 554031 - Creating space statistics with BRCONNECT brconnect -u / -c -f stats -o SAP<SID> -t all -m +I -s P10 -f allsel,collect,method,precision,keep -p 4 If you encounter Problems with the import of some F-Tables with to much partitions like described in Note 590370 then you have to modify the script DFACT.SQL created with SMIGR_CREATE_DDL. The Solution from Note 859585 will not solve the Problem. (DB) INFO: /BIC/FGLBGMISTK~04 created #20060504021239 DbSl Trace: Error in exec_immediate() DbSl Trace: ORA-14020 occurred when executing SQL statement (parse error offset=148) (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed this is known issue which is caused by a wrong behavior of the SMIGR_CREATE_DDL report. To correct this remove the 'ENDEXEC.' entries within the 'alter table statements of '/BI0/F0BWTC_C06' by '; in the script DFACT.SQL and retry the Installation.


Package and Table Splitter (SPLIT) Splitting packages is only available for release 4.0B and above. Splitting tables is only available on project basis for release 6.20 and above. The Splitter tool can be used for splitting the following: STR/EXT files 6.40: TSK files with WHERE clauses (including an adaptation of the corresponding STR/EXT files) 7.00: WHR files with WHERE clauses (including an adaptation of the corresponding STR/EXT files) CAUTION: Please pay attention to note 833946, if you use the Splitter from the NW 04 or NW 04 SR1 installation kit or version 1 from the SAP service marketplace. When you split the R3load-STR files, a separate package is created for the DDLOG table. When this package is exported, the R3load terminates with the following error message: (TSK) ERROR: file <Installation directory>/DDLOG.TSK is empty The problem is eliminated with the archives of the installation master DVD of NetWeaver 7.0 SR1 Patch 2 of the MIGMON.SAR archive for Version 7.0 on the SAP Service Marketplace Note that you can always use the latest Version of the SPLIT tools (Basis 7.00) Note 855772: New Distribution Monitor Version 1.4.0 Latest nw04 Installer can be found: Installations and Upgrades SAP Technology Components 640 ERP04_PRC SAPINST SAPINST


Suggested Start Levels for the Systemcopy with export/import: Note 777024 771209 888210 Basis SP-Level (former) SP-Level (new) 620 640 700 SAP_BASIS 46 SAP_BASIS 10 SAP_BASIS 00 SAP_BASIS 58 SAP_BASIS 16 SAP_BASIS 07

One of the main reason for that is the fact, that some of the correction notes for the report SMIGR_CREATE_DDL cannot be implemented before Basis 620/55 or Basis 640/14 or not available before the new mentioned SP-Level. Note 931333 for the latest correction for SMIGR_CREATE_DDL is even based on 640/17. Note 948780 - Incorrect indexes in ABAP Dictionary after post-migration




Note 552464: What is Big Endian / Little Endian? What Endian do I have? Big Endian: the most significant byte is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the least significant byte at the highest address. (The big end comes first.) As an analogy, we say "twenty-four" in English; the more significant number, twenty, comes first. This is also called most significant byte (MSB) ordering. 4102 Big Endian IBM 390, AS/400, PowerPC (AIX), Linux on zSeries (S/390), Linux on Power, Solaris_SPARC, HP PA-RISC, Itanium (HP-UX) Little Endian: the least significant byte of the number is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the most significant byte at the highest address. (The little end comes first.) As an analogy, we say "fourteen" in English; the less significant number, four, comes first. This is also called least significant byte (LSB) ordering. 4103 Little Endian Alpha, Intel X86 (and clones), X86_64, Itanium (Windows + Linux), Solaris_X86_64




If your Unix System already supporting JFS-2 you can already choose File sizes up to 32 GB depending also on the Backup software Note that not always you gain space with the export/import Procedure. You will definitely Reorg the data with the fresh Installation. With the MaxDB Installation the necessary DB size is shown on the top of the screen






Differences to the BW system copy: Basically there are only two things to do after the system copy is fulfilled. transaction BDLS changes the IDocs to the new logical Source system Name Restore Source system in RSA1 changes the DataSources and the assignment inside the Administrator Workbench. More Details for restoring the Source system can be found in the Chapter Restoring of Source systems Note 524554: Storing destinations in the BW environment Note 742009: ALE: BDLS for fields in the /xxx/ namespace dump Note 110849: "Error during insert in port table" (create source system) Note 1000062: 70SP13: Conversion of logical system names Corrections of the Program RS_BW_POST_MIGRATION after SPS 15: Note 884124: Cube activation terminates after heterogeneous system migration Note 933610: Heterogeneous system migration follow-on for Note 884124 Note 948780: useless Indexes after Post migration in DDIC Note 901592: Inconsistent change log tables after migration Note 900961: Post processing non-cumulative InfoCubes in Program RS_BW_POST_ Note 906090: Inconsistent non-cumulative cubes after heterogeneous system



Further notes: The conversion of the logical system name has far-reaching consequences. Therefore, we recommend that you contact an SAP consultant before starting it. The following points should be observed: In productive systems the conversion of the logical system name is not provided. The reason is that the relevant database tables are dynamically determined by certain domains (LOGSYS and EDI_PARNUM). If there are applications where the tables do not reference these domains, the data are not converted. Another reason is that certain data could be saved as part of fields in cluster or pool tables with regard to the logical system. Such data are not converted. During the run of the conversion report, no other activities may be carried out in the system. All IDocs in the system must be processed beforehand since the logical system name could be contained in the IDoc data record. The logical system name in IDoc data records would not be taken into account for conversion. The conversion is carried out in the current client. Therefore, the process must also be carried out in all partner systems. If the new logical system name already exists in the system, it can cause errors for tables in which the logical system is key field or unique index (for example, COFIO1). In this case the number of converted entries is smaller than the number of selected entries. Manual post processing must be carried out in this case, and if necessary the conversion must be started again. The conversion report that was dynamically generated from Report RBDLSMAP (up to SAP Release 6.10) can also be run in the background, if the corresponding input fields are filled with values. In this case, all confirmation prompts are automatically confirmed with Yes during the run; on the other hand, user interaction is required in the online execution. You must pay attention to this during the conversion itself. If a termination occurs due to the database roll area, you should either restart the roll area as high as possible or reduce the parameter 'Number of entries per commit' from the default value. In order to gain performance, this parameter should be as great as possible. After successfully completing the conversion, synchronize the table buffers in the server. Export the list of conversion results (on the screen) to a local file for test purposes.


This Function Modules are imported into R/3 based SAP System with the R/3 Plug In Module. With that Function Module you can delete Entries out of the Table RSBISIDOC which is protected against changing in SE16. It is strictly recommended only to use the mentioned Function Modules to modify the Entries otherwise you can permanently destroy a working BW System.


If the old Entries are not removed the reconnecting Process always tries to restore this connection again. If the Process fails you should remove the _DIALOG connection before you try to reconnect again, due the Fact that when you copy SM59 connections the Password will not be copied. An Alternative would also to use trusted System connection. Therefore you dont have to deal with Passwords again. See Note 128447 and 1167901 for Details.



The restoring process take care of all Settings inside the ALE configuration. It is not necessary to use more transactions as WE20 WE21 WE30 Partner Profiles IDOC Ports IDOC Types


The restore Process takes care of all ALE related Settings. No additional Customizing is necessary. More additional Notes: Note 126066: Add source system: Message R3220 Note 150315: BW-Authorizations for Remote-User in BW and OLTP Note 538052: Maintenance of Myself destination in BW Note 110849: "Error during insert in port table" (create source system) Note 522653: Source system connection tool Transaction RS_LOGSYS_CHECK Note 1087980 - ECC Source systems appearing in BI folder


When you are using different Users for the connection or users different from the Default you can change the Names at any time. Note that when you call one of these Transaction out of Transaction RSA1 (Administrator Workbench) you have also to close the RSA1 also, because during the call of the Transaction some Table will be buffered. If you are planning to replace the existing User with a new User, please make sure that you first restore the connection with the old user before you try to restore the Connection with another User. If you encounter Messages like RS3220 please Consult the Note 126066 Note 538052: Maintenance of Myself destination in BW S_BI-WX_RFC to call the source system (R/3 or BW) S_BI-WHM_RFC call the BW


As a rule, no system changes are permitted in productive systems at all. Connecting a system as a source system to a BW or connecting a BW to a new source system will, however, mean changes as far as the system change option is concerned. You will have therefore made sure that the following changes are permissible in the relevant clients of the system when you connect the source system. Cross-client Customizing and Repository changes In the BW Customizing Implementation Guide, select the relevant client under Business Information Warehouse Connections to Other Systems General Connection Settings Assign Logical System to Client, then choose Goto Detail. Choose the entry Changes to Repository and Cross-Client Customizing Permitted in the field Changes to Cross-Client Objects. In the source system, make this setting in the Implementation Guide under Cross-application Components Distribution (ALE) Basic Settings Set Up Logical System Assign Logical System to Client. Changes to the software components local developments and Business Information Warehouse. You can set up the changeability with Transaction SE03 (Organizer Tools). Choose Organizer Tools Administration Set Up System Change Option, then Execute. Make the settings in the subsequent screen. Changes in the customer name area Again, you can set up the changeability for the customer name area with Transaction SE03. Changes to BW namespaces /BIC/ and /BI0/ Again, you can set up the changeability of the BW namespace with Transaction SE03.



To call the Application Log directly you can call this with Transaction SLG1 With Transaction SLG2 you can administrate the Application log, e.g. Delete old logs to save Disk space and get better Performance.



Creating an SAP source system manually In the initial screen of the source system choose Tools Administration Maintain Users Users and create a background user with a password and the authorization profile S_BIWX_RFC. Define the RFC destination parameters for the SAP source system in BW. To do this, choose Tools Administration Management Network RFC Destinations in BW. The destination name must correspond to the logical name of the source system that you entered for the process step Maintain Logical System in the implementation guide of the source system. For user and password, enter the background user that you created in step 1. Define the RFC destination parameters for the SAP Business Information Warehouse in the source system. Select Tools Administration Management Network RFC Destinations here in the source system. Enter the information on the server name previously taken from the source system. The destination name must correspond to the logical name of the BW system that you entered for BW Customizing Implementation Guide in the process step Name Logical System. ALE communicates with the help of the SAP Business Information Warehouse name that you defined. The defined name, therefore, represents an identification of the SAP Business Information Warehouse. For the user and password, enter the background user that you defined in the BW Customizing Implementation Guide under Business Information Warehouse Connections to other Systems Connection between SAP Systems and BW.


Invalidate Generated Program reset timestamps to regenerate all generated programs Adapt DBDIFF to New DB Maintain exception table containing differences between Data Dictionary and DB Other Work only relevant for DB6 databases Adapt Aggregate Indexes Index Definition is checked and aligned for Aggregates Adapt Basis Cube Indexes Index Definition is checked and aligned for Cubes Generate New PSA Version this generates new PSA versions and only for this the source system connection must be available uses report rs_transtru_activate_all Delete Temporary Tables as mentioned Repair Fact View recreate Fact Views for InfoCubes (SAP_FACTVIEWS_RECREATE) Restriction to One Cube as mentioned Other Work as mentioned According to Note 771209 you should run the Report with the Variant POSTMGR. These contains the following Options: Other Work Delete Temporary Tables Repair Fact View X X X


Additions to the Transaction RSSGPCLA: You may also run the Program RSSM_OLTP_INIT_DELTA_UPDATE for R/3 source systems, see Notes 591382 and 424848 for more details. This is needed if the BW System was copied with out copying the connected R/3 based System. The Program synchronizes the delta Marker. For ODS Objects from BW system, check with Note 518426 and use the Transaction RSSGPCLA. This is needed also, if the BW System is a source of other BW Systems. Run the Program RSAR_PSA_CLEANUP_DIRECTORY from Note 849857 to prevent potential data loss in PSA/change log and the Program SAP_PSA_ZEROCORRECT from Note 856097 in case of Problems with Partition 0 Note 1051664 - Check and repair program BW7.x for Note 849857


Additional Notes/Corrections Note 1361780 - Performance improvement in the global transaction buffers Note 1412609 - DUPREQ when configuring the transport domain necessary after resetting TMS after System Copy with SE06 on MS SQL



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