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CRNE Facebook Review Questions and Answers CRNE Review Q: Elizabeth, a new nurse, has a multiple client assignment.

When beginning her shift, Elizabeth needs to set priorities so she can effectively plan and manage her assignment. Which one of the following clients needs nursing intervention first? a. Ella, a 13-year-old teenage with high fever, possible tonsillitis. b. Dylan, a 21-year-old with a rash over the body. c. Mr. Alvarez, a 46-year-old complains of bladder distention, history of spinal injury. d. Mrs. Harris, a 56-year-old complaining of intermittent vaginal bleeding. CRNE Review Q: Mr. Evans, a 66-year-old client with emphysema, is receiving oxygen by nasal cannula. The nurse is required to check the flow rate at the beginning of the shift. The nurse understands that Mr. Evanss flow rate should not exceed: a. 3.5 liters per minute b. 2.5 liters per minute c. 3 liters per minute d. 1 liter per minute CRNE Review Q: Mr. Sanchez, 46-year-old, is a newly admitted client. He is positive for MRSA. Which category of isolation would the nurse implement for Mr. Sanchez? a. Protective isolation environment b. Contact precautions c. Droplet precautions d. Airborne precautions CRNE Review Q: Mr. Ramirez, a 66-year-old client, underwent a transurethral prostatectomy for prostate cancer. He had a Foley catheter. Two days later Mr. Ramirez developed a urinary tract infection with Escherichia coli. How is this type of infection classified?

1. Primary infection 2. Iatrogenic infection 3. Superinfection 4. Nosocomial infection CRNE Review Q: Mr. Rossi, a 59-year-old adult client, presents to the Emergency Department (ED) with an epistaxis. What is the first nursing action? a. Collect a medication history b. Check the blood pressure c. Check the pulse d. Apply pressure to the Kiesselbachs area CRNE Review Q: Lillian, a community health nurse, is teaching a group of athletic teenagers about nutritional intake. Lillian should explain that the carbohydrate food that would provide the quickest source of energy is: a. A slice of white toast b. A glass of 2% milk c. A chocolate bar with peanuts d. A glass of orange juice CRNE Review Q: Megan, a nurse from surgical unit is teaching Mr. Abukar about colostomy self care. Mr. Abukar is concerned about the odor from the stool in his ostomy drainage bag. Megan teaches Mr. Abukar to include which of the following foods in the diet to reduce stool odor? a. Beet greens b. Broccoli c. Cucumbers d. Spinach CRNE Review Q: Caleb, a 38 years old construction worker, is in critical condition after falling off a ladder. He lapses into a semi-comatose state in ICU. To administer oral care to Caleb, the nurse should place him in which of the following positions?

a. Reverse Trendelenburg position b. High-Fowler with the head to the side c. Sims position d. Trendelenburg position CRNE Review Q: Mr. Garcia, a 33 years old client, is admitted to the general internal medicine unit. When Mr. Garcias serum sodium level is 122 mmol/L, the priority nursing assessment is to monitor the status of which of the following systems? a. Neurological system b. Cardiovascular system c. Pulmonary system d. GI system CRNE Review Q: Mr. Jones, a 60 years old client, is scheduled for a bronchoscopy procedure. As part of the pretest teaching, the nurse will instruct Mr. Jones that before the scope insertion, his neck will be positioned so that it is in a. A flexed posture. b. A neutral position. c. A normal extended position. d. A Hyperextended position. CRNE Review Q: Bran, a 20 years old client, is diagnosed with pneumothorax after a motor vehicle accident. A chest tube is inserted to promote lung re-expansion. The nurse is assigned to Bran. An important nursing action is to a. Keep Bran in supine position to avoid leaks in the tubing. b. Ensure a hemostatic clamp nearby in case of an air leak. c. Check the tube carefully to prevent kinking. d. Check the chest tube every hour for air leaks. CRNE Review Q: Mr. Sharma, a 57 years old client with myocardial infarction, has been transferred from a coronary care unit to a general medical unit. Mr. Sharma is on a 12 lead electrocardiogram. A nurse plans to allow for which of the

following activities after transferring to the general medical unit? a. Strict bed rest for 12 hours after transfer b. Self-care activities and bathroom use c. Supervised hallway ambulation with distances under 250 feet d. Perform activities as he desires. CRNE Review Q: Henry, a 17 years old client with head trauma, is admitted to the ER. Henry develops a urine output of 320 ml/hr. His skin and mucous membranes are dry. Which of the following nursing interventions is the most appropriate to perform initially? a. Measure specific gravity b. Prepare Henry for acute renal failure treatment: Hemodialysis c. Provide moisturizer and lotion to the skin to prevent breakdown d. Stop the IV fluids and notify the physician immediately CRNE Review Q: Lillian, the community health nurse, is visiting Mr. Morales and his family in the community for the first time. Mr. Morales was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. How should Lillian begin completing Mr. Moraless family assessment? a. Gathering the health data from Mr. and Mrs. Morales and all the family members b. Evaluating the familys cancer coping strategies c. Evaluating family relationship patterns d. Determining concerns that are important to Mr. Moraless wellbeing CRNE Review Q: Mr. Rivera, a 77 years old palliative client, is unable to eat or drink. Mr. Rivera chooses not to receive nourishment through a feeding tube. The newly graduated nurse is assigned to Mr. Rivera. How can the nurse best prepare to care for a palliative client for the first time? a. Enroll in a nursing course dealing with death and dying. b. Assess his or her own feelings about death and dying. c. Control his or her own emotions during patient care.

d. Discuss the experience of the death of a loved one with colleagues. CRNE Review Q: Mr. Harris, a 47 years old construction worker, comes to the emergency department after having been in the sun for six hours. During initial assessment, the nurse also determines that Mr. Harris is taking Torsemide (Demadex). Heatstroke is suspected. Which of the following does the nurse observe for? a. Confusion b. Excessive sweating c. Hyperhydrosis d. Bradycardia CRNE Review Q: Mrs. Stewart has developed pneumonia, and her temperature is 38.6C. Mrs. Stewart is shivering and feels distressed and uncomfortable. Which one of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Increase oral fluid consumption to 3 L per day. b. Provide extra blankets. c. Wrap the axilla and groin. d. Notify the physician. CRNE Review Q: The nurse works in a busy general hospital with a wide variety of clients. Of the clients admitted this morning, the nurse recognizes that which of the following clients is most susceptible to infection? a. A 77 years old male client with pulmonary emphysema b. A 56 years old female client with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) c. A 20 years old client with burn injury d. A 80 years old female client with peripheral vascular disease CRNE Review Q: Ms. Lim, a 28 years old client, gives birth to a normal newborn. Ms. Lim decides to breast feed her newborn. On day 4 following delivery, Ms. Lim develops mastitis in the right breast and is put on an antibiotic for seven days. She asks the public health nurse if she can continue breast feeding

her newborn. The nurses best answer would be: a. You may breast feed from the left breast. b. Stop breast feeding, this is contraindicated. c. This is not a contraindication, continue breast feeding. d. Pump both breasts and discard the breast milk until the infection resolves. CRNE Review Q: Ms. Woods, a 38 years old client, gives birth to a boy. Following delivery of a normal newborn, the nurse will assess Ms. Woods every 15 minutes for the first hour. The most important assessment is for a. Condition of the uterus. b. Placental fragments and color of lochia. c. Fundal height assessment d. Hemorrhage. CRNE Review Q: Mr. Moss, a 25-year-old client, demonstrates complications after traumatic brain injury. His elevated antidiuretic hormone level is associated with increased intracranial pressure. The nurse understands that antidiuretic hormone has which of the following effects? A. Decreases water re-absorption in the distal convoluted tubule and leads to hematuria B. Increases water re-absorption in the distal convoluted tubule C. Decreases the concentration of urine and leads to a low serum sodium level D. Increases the urine volume in the distal convoluted tubule CRNE Review Q: Mason, an 18-month-old toddler has been hospitalized and placed in an isolation room. The nurse observes that Mason ignores his mother when she returns to visit him after work. The mother is worried by this behavior and asks if she should buy some new toy cars. The nurse recognizes Masons behavior as a normal response to a feeling of: a. Stimuli attention deficit b. Estrangement from parents c. Abandonment

d. Being beleaguered CRNE Review Q: Mrs. Rayat, an 86-year-old woman with family history of dementia, develops urinary incontinence over a period of several days and is admitted to the hospital for a diagnostic workup. The nurse would assess Mrs. Rayat for other indicators of a. Urinary tract infection. b. Dementia disease risk c. Renal failure and oliguria d. Fluid volume excess. CRNE Review Q: Ms. Staples, a 62-year-old client, suddenly exhibits polyuria and begins voiding 8 to 12 L/day following her brain surgery. Specific gravity for her urine is 1.007. The nurse will recognize these symptoms as the possible development of a. Type I diabetes mellitus. b. Type II diabetes mellitus. c. Diabetes insipidus. d. Syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH) CRNE Review Q: Mr. Mongrain, a 37 years old client, is admitted to the general internal medicine unit. When Mr. Mongrains serum sodium level is 122 mmol/L, the priority nursing assessment is: a. Mental status examination b. Auscultation of the aortic valve c. Pulmonary auscultation d. Abdominal auscultation CRNE Review Q: John, a 15-year-old client, is on skeletal traction. The nurse provides client teaching to John and his family members. Which of the following statements is true about skeletal traction? a. John may have less mobility than he does with skin traction. b. Because more weight can be applied with the skeletal traction, it

is commonly used to reduce fractures and maintain alignment. c. Neurovascular complications are less likely to occur than with skin traction. d. Fracture fragment alignment is so important, therefore it is commonly used for children. CRNE Review Q: Mrs. Rideout, a 59-year-old patient with diabetes mellitus, develops ketoacidosis. The arterial blood gas report that is representative of diabetic ketoacidosis is: a. pCO2 49; HCO3 -- 32; pH7.50. b. pCO2 26; HCO3 -- 28; pH7.52. c. pCO2 54; HCO3 -- 28; pH7.30. d. pCO2 28; HCO3 -- 18; pH7.28. CRNE Review Q: Ms. Baybayon, age 77 years, has a subtotal gastrectomy for cancer of the stomach. After surgery, she returns to the unit with an IV and a nasogastric tube. Two hours after the subtotal gastrectomy, the nurse notices that drainage from Ms. Baybayons nasogastric tube is bright red. What should the nurse do? a. Notify the physician immediately b. Clamp the nasogastric tube immediately c. Inform the client that this is an expected finding d. Irrigate the nasogastric tube with saline CRNE Review Q: Patrick, a 2-year-old child, is admitted to hospital due to femur fracture. Patricks parents arrive at the hospital to visit Patrick. Patrick is playing in the playroom when his parents arrive. When the parents enter the playroom, Patrick does not readily approach them. The nurse understands this behavior as indicating that: a. This is a normal pattern b. Patrick is egotistical c. Patrick has adjusted to the hospitalized setting d. Patrick is withdrawn

CRNE Review Q: Mr. Blanco, a 40-year-old new immigrant, immigrates to Canada with his wife and 3 children. The Blancos face many issues complicating their adjustment to the new host culture. A community health nurse plays important roles while working with Blancos. What should the nurse do in the role of an educator, while assisting with their nutritional needs? a. Suggest that the Blancos buy nutritious foods. b. Provide information on purchasing foods at the lowest cost. c. Have the family and client discuss what they should eat. d. Provide information on food sources and stores. CRNE Review Q: Lorena, a 16 year- old teenage girl, has come with complains of infectious mononucleosis infection. Which of the following client teaching is a priority for Lorena? 1. Tell Lorena to avoid kissing for 30 days period 2. Institute respiratory precautions until 48 hours after the initiation of the treatment 3. Advice Lorena to take bed rest for the entire course of treatment 4. Tell Lorena to avoid any contact sports A nurse works at a busy General Immunization Clinic. This clinic provides immunization services to people of all ages. Providing immunizations against hepatitis b is an example of a. Health promotion b. Primary prevention c. Secondary prevention d. Tertiary prevention Mr. Horace was placed on Digoxin, 0.25 mg po QD for his heart failure. The RN is aware that Mr. Horace may be at risk for digitalis toxicity if he has been taking which of the following drugs? 1. Aldomet 2. Aldactone 3. Aspirin

4. Lasix CRNE review question: What is the difference between PT, INR, and PTT? PT: This test is done to evaluate the blood for its ability to clot. for warfarin therapy. PTT: This test is performed primarily to determine if heparin (blood thinning) therapy is effective. INR: The INR is used to make sure the results from a PT test is the same at one lab as it is at another lab. CRNE review question: What is the normal values for Arterial pH ? 7.35-7.45 CRNE review question: after birth the normal heart rate of the infant may range between: 120- 160 bpm True

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