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Errors in 7th edition Page 6, line 8 from bottom: The number of frequency cycles should be 9,192,631,77 !

not 9,192,631"77 #" Page 6, line 7 from bottom: the symbol for cesium should be !not

133 133

Page 17: $n %q" !1"&&#, the e'(onent on the dimension of time, t , should be )1" !$t is correct in Table 1"3"# Page 289, Problem 9"1, *ines 3 and &: The (itch is 1"+ : 1" !,ot 1 : 1" -elete .!(itch equals diameter#/"#

Cs Ce

Page 3++, line & from bottom, should read, 0the coefficients are about 1+ (ercent greater than"""0 !not 02 (ercent0# Page +37, bottom line: The correct 1alue of the 2olt3mann constant is 1 423" !not 1 23# Page ++1: The coefficient in %q" !17"6&# should be 1"76" !not 1"62# Page 1 &+: The coefficient in %q" !29"+&# should be 1"76" !not 1"62# Page 8+7, %quation !2+"23#: The first term on the left should read:


Tg t

not cp

Tg " t

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