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Benemrita Escuela Normal Manuel vila Camacho Ingles A1 Party Mtro.

Salvador Daz Snchez Perla Janette Snchez Hernndez Velia Alexis Bonilla Gabriela Dafn Lpez Jurez Wanatzi Berenice Reyes Lpez Tercer semestre Licenciatura Educacin Primaria
22 de agosto de 2013.

Last Friday at school there were flyers about a huge party hosted by Velia, everybody wanted to be at the party of the year, they were very excited. While Gaby was in the hall she saw the flyers and met with Perla. Hi! Perla have you see this flyer? I am ready for the party. Lets go!

The next day Velia called her friend bere I am very tired, were you at the party last night? I did not see you there No I wasnt, I was at home sick. Were you? I hope you feel better now. I am fine, thanks. But tell me, how was the party? it was great but now my home is a mess Velia come and clean the house! Thats my mom, I have to go. See you later.

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