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TNC MCR AT Pett i ‘Controller Candidate Liu Has ee Pts Conca a ann) commercials were significantly eee *City Controller Hopeful John Liu Lear) See cera The Comptroller watches our money. He needs to tell the truth. In these tough times, we must have a comptroller who tells the truth. The honesty and Coy E IN MLO trie Davip YASSKY "27" Forhis entire career, oe Davia Yassky has fought pentose fortransparentand honest government. Davidhas stood up to eye) special interests and held oer eeceeate en government accountable, CCT CONTROLER HOPEFUL JOHN UU demanding results for ‘TOUTS YOUTH IN SWEATSHOP — ONLY every dolar we spend a FAMILY SAYS TT NEVER HAPPENED. Dvd sed Exon ean lorsed By speurwater EheNew York Eimes + Davi clove opal hny os DAILY2NEWS scoocemenes = Senator Chuck «oa pt one ny Schumer a ican eer PRIMARY RUNOFF: VOTE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29.

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