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My Idola Lionel Messi Descriptive Text Lionel Messi 3.bp.blogspot.

com Descriptive text about famous footballer, Lionel Messi His full name is Lionel Andres Messi. He was born in Rosario, Argentina, on ! "une #$%&. His fat'er(s name is "orge Horacio Messi, and 'is mot'er is )elia Maria )uccittini. He 'as brot'ers and # sister. His brot'ers names are Rodrigo and Matias. His sister(s name is Maria *ol. Lionel Messi is a famous footballer pla+ing for ,arcelona -) in *pain. He is a ver+ talented footballer. He can dribble well li.e dancing. He can also run ver+ fast alt'oug' 'is bod+ is too s'ort for a footballer. He can pass t'e ball well and 'elp 'is team winning a game. ,eside t'ose abilities, Lionel Messi is also an excelent goal getter. He often goals in ever+ game 'e pla+s. Lionel Messi 'as several ac'ievement. He 'as ever won t'e best footballer in t'e world 3 times. /n *pain 'e 'as several ac'ievement suc' as t'e best goalscorer and top goalscorer. He brings ,arcelona to win t'rop'+ of La Liga and )'ampions League man+ times. 0nfortunatel+, 'is ac'ievement in La Liga doesn(t bring an+t'ing to 'is career in Argentina(s team. *ince 'e 'as 1oined t'e national team, t'e+ never win a t'rop'+. Messi is well2.nown as a ver+ .ind'earted person. He is ver+ polite in and outside t'e pitc'. He founds an institution of c'arit+ to 'elp c'ildren in 'ealt' and education.

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