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UTS Library Facebook Promoting library resources Marketing Student Engagement

Sydney City Libraries Marketing Community Engagement Highlight the collection Promoting events library and city wide Promoting resources, events and facilities Community Engagement

State Library of NSW Promoting events Engagement Highlight the collection


Promoting resources, the collection and facilities. Marketing Student engagement Feedback News feed Photos of the library and different aspects of the collection Promotion

Promoting resources, events and facilities Engagement Reference questions


Used to show photos of historical items in the collection Shows photos of public libraries to inspire other libraries in their design and facilities Videos of events that happen citywide


Tutorials and library instruction


Promoting library facilities Student engagement Encouraging library use and engagement

Promoting resources, events and facilities Community Engagement

Used to show photos of historical items in the collection


QR Codes

promotional posters linking to online news and services linking to existing online resources such as the Library orientation program library instruction providing access to digital content

RSS Feeds

News feed

Events News Feed New items in the collection Marketing Community Engagement Highlight the collection Promoting events library and city wide Events Photos of the collection Historical items Services Staff Picks Historical photographs





Videos of mainly historical items such as interviews and events.


Mainly library related news that appears to be of interest to people in the industry

Major acquisitions Indigenous affairs Collections E-Records HSC resources Public libraries

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