PHD Thesis Proposal Example

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Applications are accepted at any time, but t e current call is only open to t ose candidates ! o provide all t e documentation re"uired by " A#ril. #$ t e documentation is delivered a$ter t is date, t e candidate !ill be automatically assi%ned to t e call $or t e $ollo!in% year. T esis proposal must be to t e &ducation and #'T (e-learnin%) *octoral +ro%ramme email address, p PERSONAL DETAILS /ame, Surname,

THESIS PROPOSAL 1 T e t esis proposal is t e document in ! ic t e doctoral candidates state t eir interests and e0pectations !it re%ard to t e researc t ey !is to carry out. Speci$ically, t e document sets out t e sub1ect area, main aims and (provisional) sc edule o$ activities $or t e researc . T is very document is to be used $or t e t esis proposal, ! ic s ould not e0ceed 2,500 !ords in total $or all t e sections. T e document can be !ritten in 'atalan, &n%lis or Spanis . 2. +rovisional t esis title, 3. *escription o$ researc interests,
Short, precise summary detailing the most important aspects and the aims of the doctoral thesis proposal.

3. 4ey!ords $or t e researc area c osen (ma0imum 5 !ords),


The thesis proposal is in line with the eLearn Center research programme. The subject of the research programme of the first four-year term is Temporal dimension in e-learning. This subject is expected to pic up empirically argumented actions and decisions about time factor in online education with the intention to impro!e learning.

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Av. Tibidabo, 39-43 08035 Barcelona-Spain

4. Brie$ summary o$ t e t eoretical basis o$ t e researc (ma0imum 2000 !ords),

Introduction to the research proposed, detailing the following aspects: Pertinence, relevance and interest of the research. Definitive aim of the research. Previous and current state of scientific and technical knowledge in the thesiss specific area of study. Most important reference works.

5. 5et od to be used,
!planation of the method to "e used, detailing the following aspects: Preliminary research #where applica"le$. Method. Participants. %ools.

6. 7eneral researc aims,

Proposed aims: &eneral aim. Specific aims. 'esearch (uestions. 'esearch hypothesis #where applica"le$.

8. Sc edule o$ planned activities (speci$yin% tas9s and time estimated),

Schedule of the activities planned for the design and development of the empirical study, and the drafting of the research report #thesis$, as well as any dissemination activities planned #where applica"le$.

8. +ersonnel and material resources,

%he personnel and material resources re(uired, specifying which the doctoral candidate already has availa"le.

: ; # ave read and accept t e le%al notice.

'on$idenciality policy T rou% t is notice, t e $unda%i& #er a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya < ereina$ter t e $UOC<, !it re%istered o$$ices at Avin%uda Tibidabo, 39-43 (08035-Barcelona), in$orms t e users o$ t is !ebsite o$ its #ers'nal data #r'te%ti'n #'li%y.

=se o$ t e $UOC>s !ebsite and any o$ t e services it o$$ers implies t e $ull acceptance o$ t e conditions stipulated by t e $ollo!in% +rivacy +olicy. 2. *ata %at erin% and consent to processin% t e data %at ered #n compliance !it Spanis ?a! 25@2999 o$ *ecember 23 on t e +rotection o$ +ersonal *ata, you are in$ormed t at any personal data re"uested in our $orms or t at may be supplied to us by means o$ our email addresses !ill be added to our personal data $iles, ! ic are o!ned and controlled by t e $UOC. Aence ! en users provide personal data t rou% $illin% in any o$ t e $orms t ey are as9ed to complete and a%ree to send t em in, or ! en users send us emails containin% personal data, t ey e0pressly aut orise and %ive t eir consent to t e $ UOC $or t e purpose o$ processin% and includin% in our $iles t ose personal data and any ot ers t at may be provided in connection !it t e users> participation in or use o$ t e various products and services o$$ered in t is !ebsite, t ou% suc aut orisation is revocable (!it no retroactive e$$ect), and t e users also t ereby accept t e processin% terms as set do!n ereunder. Bou are also in$ormed t at all t e data !ill be processed !it t e %reatest con$identiality and in accordance !it current le%islation on t e protection o$ personal data, and t at our $iles are le%ally re%istered !it t e 7eneral Ce%istry o$ t e 'atalan *ata +rotection A%ency. T e $UOC s all not be eld responsible $or t e data processin% carried out by any !ebsites t at users may visit via lin9s $rom our !ebsite. T is !ebsite is %overned by t e le%al provisions applyin% e0clusively to Spain, and all t e !ebsite>s users, ! et er $rom Spain or abroad, are sub1ect to t ose le%al provisions. 3. T e processin%, purposes T e data re"uested are ! ic ever data are suitable, pertinent and strictly necessary $or t e purpose $or ! ic t ey !ere collected. T ey !ill never be used $or any purpose ot er t an t e one $or ! ic t ey !ere %ranted, and users are never obli%ed to provide t emD o!ever, t ey are absolutely necessary $or renderin% t e services !e o$$er to our users. =nless speci$ically stated ot er!ise, $illin% in all t e $ields in eac $orm is re"uired, and ! en $illin% in t e $orms users are to supply data t at are trut $ul, accurate, complete and up-to-date. =sers are solely responsible $or any loss or dama%e, ! et er direct or indirect, t at may be entailed $or $UOC or any t ird party t rou% $illin% in t e $orms !it $alse, inaccurate, incomplete or out-o$-date data or t rou% $illin% in t e data o$ t ird parties instead o$ t eir o!n. Eur !ebsite obtains users> personal data by receivin% various $orms sent in to us, and also t rou% emails sent to us, $or t e $ollo!in% purposes, a) 5ana%in% t e administration o$, per$ormin% and pursuin% all t e $UOC>s teac in% and institutional activity, and ma9in% arran%ements $or users in connection !it t e various services made available to t em ($or e0ample in re"uestin% in$ormation on de%rees and post%raduate courses, or ! en applyin% $or admission to t e =E', and so on). b) For arran%in% subscriptions to =E' +apers, articles, studies, 1ournals, bulletins and !ebsites. c) #n connection !it t e Gob ?istin%s section $or !or9in% !it us and !it companies in t e =E' 7roup, as !ell as invitations to apply $or teac in% posts. d) For mana%in% t e administration o$, per$ormin% and disseminatin% t e Hirtual 'ampus services ($or e0ample, or%anisin% cultural and sports activities, travel, meetin%s, and so on)D in addition to t e re%ulations set do!n ere, t ose services are also %overned by speci$ic re%ulations t at must be ad ered to by all members o$ t e community. =sers are made a!are, and accept, t at bein% a member o$ t e Hirtual 'ampus means t at any aut orised member o$ t e virtual community can access t eir publis ed data, $rom any! ere in t e !orld. e) #n connection !it in$ormin% or re%isterin% $UOC associate or partner companies, $or t eir development. $) #n runnin% t e 'ampus $or +eace, $or in$ormin% or re%isterin% partner companies, and $or attendin% to and re%isterin% 'ampus volunteers. %) For commercial purposes, ! en users decide to send in t eir personal data and email address to t e $UOC, t ey t ereby e0pressly aut orise t e latter to use it $or t e purpose o$ occasional communications, e0pressly includin% t e communications sent by email t at t e $UOC or ot er bodies belon%in% to t e teac in% sp ere o$ t e $UOC arran%e $or students, alumni, members o$ t e Hirtual 'ampus, associate and partner companies, 'ampus $or +eace volunteers, and any ot er persons supplyin% t eir personal data $or any o$ t e purposes e0plained, as !ell as people e0pressin% interest, $or t e purpose o$ in$ormin% t em about activities or ne!s,

courses, study pro%rammes etc. and announcements o$ all 9inds about services and products connected !it t e institutional activity pursued. T e $UOC reserves t e ri% t to decide on ! et er or not to add t e data on t ose persons to its $iles. 3. =sers> ri% ts to access, correct or cancel t eir data =sers ave t e ri% t to access t e in$ormation compiled on t em in t e F=E'>s $iles, to correct t e data i$ t ey are incorrect, to cancel t em, and to oppose t e processin% o$ t ose data, in accordance !it t e terms set do!n in t e pertinent ?a!, by contactin% t e Aead o$ *ata +rotection at t e Foundation (address, $undaciI per a la universitat oberta de catalunya - Cesponsable de +rotecciI *ades, Cambla del +oblenou, 256, 08028, Barcelona). To enable us to 9eep your personal data up-to-date, it is important t at you tell us about any c an%e arisin%, $or ot er!ise !e cannot provide assurances on t e accuracy o$ t ose data. #$ you do not e0pressly cancel your personal data $rom our $iles, !e !ill assume t at you remain interested in t e data bein% eld $or as lon% as t ey are relevant $or t e purpose $or ! ic t ey !ere obtained, and $or as lon% as t e F=E' deems appropriate. 4. Security #n response to t e trust placed in us, and bearin% in mind t e important re"uirement o$ protection and con$identiality $or t e users> data, t e F=E' in$orms you t at all t e tec nical and or%anisational measures needed $or sa$e%uardin% t e security o$ t e data ave been ta9en, as re"uired by current re%ulations on security measures $or $iles containin% personal data. 5. *isclosure o$ data Bou are in$ormed t at your data are treated as con$idential and are used solely $or internal procedures associated !it t e purposes e0plainedD t us, t ose data are neit er ceded nor disclosed to any t ird party unless t e users concerned e0pressly aut orise us to do so, in t e cases envisa%ed in t e relevant le%al provisions. Bou e0pressly aut orise us to ma9e your personal data 9no!n < unless !e are instructed ot er!ise by you < solely in t e $ollo!in% cases, 2. To t e companies in t e =E' 7roup < namely, &ditorial =E', S?D &ureca 5Jdia, S?D Kar0a Hirtual de 'onsumD 7&', SAD and &nsenyament Ebert, SA < $or o$$erin% services ($or publis in%, multimedia, t e purc asin% cooperative, and ot er study options), particularly in connection !it employment opportunities. #n all cases, t e company receivin% your personal data and t e purpose o$ divul%in% t em !ill be stated. By acceptin% t is clause, you ac9no!led%e bein% in$ormed o$ t e provisions o$ Article 38 o$ t e Spanis ?a! on t e +rotection o$ +ersonal *ata (?E+*) concernin% noti$ication o$ t e $irst instance o$ data bein% disclosed to a particular t ird party. 3. T rou% bein% members o$ t e Hirtual 'ampus, users consent to t eir identi$yin% data and ima%e, as !ell as any ot er data t e users may voluntarily add to t eir pro$iles, bein% made accessible to all t e ot er members o$ t e 'ampus community, t ou% everyone in it as to comply !it t at community>s re%ulations. T e acceptance %ranted by users $or avin% t eir data processed or disclosed in t e manner e0plained in t is section is al!ays revocable, t ou% !it no retroactive e$$ect, in accordance !it t e provisions o$ articles 6 and 22 o$ Spain>s Er%anic ?a! 25@2999 o$ *ecember 23. T e $UOC ma9es various recommended options available to users, t ou% in all cases liability remains !it t e sender o$ a messa%eD accordin%ly, t e $UOC cannot be eld liable $or t e sendin% o$ unsolicited commercial communications. Le do not 9eep t e email addresses o$ addressees under any circumstances. =sers are also e0pressly $orbidden to arran%e mass dispatc es o$ emails t rou% t ose options, or to arran%e processin% $or commercial purposes. 6. 'oo9ies T e $UOC ereby noti$ies users t at coo9ies are employed as t ey sur$ around t e screens and pa%es o$ t e !ebsite. T ou% t e coo9ies used by t e $UOC are stored on t e users> ard drive, t e coo9ies cannot read ot er data stored on t ose drives or t e coo9ie $iles created by ot er service providers. T e $UOC uses coo9ies $or t e purpose o$ reco%nisin% t e users ! o ave re%istered in order to be able to o$$er t em a better,

more personalised service (lan%ua%e pre$erences etc.). T ey are also used to obtain completely anonymous data on !ebsite access (t e date, t e our and minute, $re"uency data etc.), in order to measure certain !ebsite tra$$ic parameters and to compute t e number o$ visits, so t at t e $UOC can orientate and $ine-tune t e services it o$$ers more e$$ectively. Ao!ever, users can prevent coo9ies bein% %enerated t rou% t e relevant set-up option in t eir bro!ser pro%ramD i$ t ey do, t e !ebsite !ill remain operational, t ou% !it out t e advanta%es o$ personalisation. 8. 'ommercial communications by email #n compliance !it article 32 o$ t e ?a! on #n$ormation-Society Services and e-'ommerce, ! ic $orbids t e dispatc o$ commercial communications by email unless t e dispatc as been e0pressly aut orised by t e recipients, you are in$ormed t at by acceptin% t ese terms o$ use and con$identiality policy you %ive your e0press aut orisation $or dispatc es o$ an in$ormative, commercial, advertisin% or promotional nature bein% sent to you at t e address you ave provided. Ao!ever, i$ you do not !is to receive our commercial communications by email, you can re"uest not bein% sent any more o$ any particular commercial series by $ollo!in% t e instructions included in eac email sent out. 8. ' an%es to t is con$identiality policy T is con$identiality policy !as establis ed on 05@06@3008. T e $UOC reserves t e ri% t to amend its data protection policy in t e $uture at is o!n discretion or in response to c an%es in le%islation, case la! or business practice. #n t e event o$ t e $UOC ma9in% any c an%es, t e ne! te0t !ill be publis ed on t is same pa%e, ! ere users can become ac"uainted !it t e data protection policy. #n all cases, o!ever, relations !it users s all be %overned by t e provisions in place at t e very moment in ! ic t ey access t e !ebsite, and t us users must read t e provisions every time t ey supply t eir data t rou% our !ebsite.

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