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The key ingredients to winning the business game

Six Sigma

Lean Manufacturing and Services

The implementation of Lean principles and practices is globally recognized as one the most effective ways of significantly raising the excellence level of a business, and building an internal continuous improvement capability that will foster benefits in the long run. Pioneered by Toyota Motor Company, the philosophy and tools now commonly referred to as Lean, have been metaphorically called the machine that changed the world. This is due to the significant positive impact they have had in organizations which adopted them and their position as a new industrial paradigm, more effective than mass production. Initially used mainly in the manufacturing industry, the principles have demonstrated their applicability and power also in service environments such as hospitals, banks, logistics, supply chain and others. Today many of the leading companies have already started to reap the benefits of Lean and their competitive advantages determined a wide spread interest in starting on the Lean journey.

Covered Topics
Lean Principles Lean vs. Mass Production The 8 Wastes 5S Visual Management SMED Total Productive Maintenance Quality and Jidoka Batch Size Reduction (One Piece Flow) Cellular Manufacturing Standardized Work Value Stream Mapping Pull Systems Takt Time Bottlenecks Identification and Management Production Leveling (Heijunka) Kanban Systems Continuous Improvement Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Comparative Simulation of Push vs. Pull Key Performance Indicators Teamwork Lean Services Lean Program Implementation Case studies: Toyota, Harley Davidson, Volvo

How fast can your business run?

Does it have rythm?

The Toyota Way

For decades, Toyotas success in the marketplace has been admired by business professionals from all industries. Its remarkable long run business performance made Toyota the envy of automakers and a model to emulate for other companies. Toyotas culture and practices are considered to be the symbol of excellence not only in manufacturing but also in business in general. The power of Toyota rests in two distinct but closely tied components: the Toyota Way and the Toyota Production System (TPS). The Toyota Way has created a culture of respect for individual, cooperation, lifelong learning, and innovation. TPS has been the driver that stimulated the development of lean manufacturing, kanban and quality systems, just-intime production, and continuous improvement. Together, they have been the pillars that supported Toyotas continuous development and leadership.

Covered Topics
Waste Reduction Standardized Work Kaizen/Process Improvement Toyota Production System Pull Systems Supply Chain Logistics Problem Solving Systemic Thinking Lean Metrics Corporate Philosophy and Strategy Lean Transformation People Education and Development People Centric Technology Organizational Structure Suppliers and Partners Development Learning Enterprise Culture Development Leadership Toyota Business Lessons

The core topics covered and the duration of the training are adjustable, depending on your industry, interests, experience and goals.
The sessions can have either a consultative nature, when the target audience is the higher management, or a presentational approach when we have a general addressability.

Problem Solving
We are surrounded by complex socio-technical systems that we have to deal with on a daily basis. Most times complexity is the source of many problems that must be solved in a fast paced manner but also by developing extensible solutions that can be reused and easily understood. On this account, the professionals need to use a structured approach to problem solving and the right combination of tools and thinking mechanisms that will enable them to develop creative and effective solutions. We have gathered methodologies and tools from many industries and put them together in a pragmatic suite that will become your most trusted resource in the process of solving any business challenge.

Covered Topics
Processes and Operations Work as a Process SIPOC Process Improvement PDCA Cycle Problem Solving Methodologies (Toyota, McKinsey, 8D) Problem Definition & Analysis Problem Solving Tools (Flowcharts, Affinity Diagrams, Cause and Effect Diagrams etc.) Techniques Design of Experiments Statistics and Probability TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)

Continuous Improvement
Any system which is not improving doesnt stay the same, it is rather deteriorating. With this basic law of systems theory in mind, companies have adopted continuous improvement as a key component of their operations. However, very often, continuous improvement remains much more of a goal than a reality. We will change that by providing you the right methodologies, tools and support in implementing continuous improvement programs that will render quantifiable results in a short time.

Covered Topics
Work Analysis and Standardization Work as a Process Variation 8 Wastes Flowcharts Run charts Histograms Cause and Effect Diagrams Pareto Charts Scatter Diagrams Control Charts Control Chart Interpretation Data Collection & Analysis Benchmarking Six Sigma Lean Process Analysis and ReEngineering Quality Circles Theory of Constraints (TOC) Toyota Production System Quality Function Deployment Value Stream Mapping Kaizen vs. Kaikaku Key Performance Indicators Yokoten

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a business management strategy focused on improving the quality of process outputs by removing causes of defects and minimizing variability. The great advantage of Six Sigma is its mature and proven methodology that combines practices and tools in an orchestrated manner with clear outcomes. The ultimate goal of Six Sigma is to enable an organization to deliver near-perfect products and services for its customers.

Covered Topics
DMAIC Methodology Project Charter Communication Plan Affinity Diagram Control Charts CTQ Tree Data Collection Kano Model Pareto Charts Run Charts SIPOC Tollgate Reviews Data points Flowcharts Histograms MSA Process Sigma Taguchi Loss Function Brainstorming Cause and Effect Diagram Design of Experiments Hypothesis Testing Interrelationship Digraph Scatter Diagram Activity Network Diagram Gantt Charts FMEA Involvement Matrix PDCA Cycle Prioritization Matrix Six Sigma Storyboard DMADV Methodology

Project Management
Project management is both a science and an art. We will provide you with the scientific foundation of project management, while experience will teach you the artistry of it. Our courses are based on the globally recognized project management methodology proposed by Project Management Institute (PMI). By introducing a standardized approach to project management in your organization, you will insure that your project teams will deliver results while being flexible and having a common language and project management system.

Covered Topics
Projects, Programs, Portfolios Strategic Planning and Projects Project and Operations Management The Project Manager Projects and Products Lifecycle Organizational Structures Project Management Processes Initiating Process Group Planning Process Group Executing Process Group Monitoring and Controlling Process Group Closing Process Group Project Integration Management Scope Management Time Management Cost Management Quality Management Human Resources Management Communications Management Risk Management Procurement Management Interpersonal Skills

A true leader can inspire committed action that engages people in taking intelligent steps, in a direction he has chosen, to achieve a goal that is valued by all parties involved or affected by it. While some qualities necessary to lead such initiatives may be native, a true leader in todays complex world requires also constant education and interaction with other leaders. We are looking forward to being your Dsdfdsafdafdere companion on the leadership journey.


Covered Topics
Personality Types Communication Leadership and Management Coaching and Mentoring Organizational Transformation Change Management Influence and Persuasion Motivation

Fref Refer Fer F Critical Decisions Erf Group Dynamics Er Conflict Management Sources of Power ferdafadasfadsf Employee Empowerment
Principled Negotiation Ethics Leadership Case Studies

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams

Our trainers are certified by and contributing members of worldwide recognized professional organizations. This guarantees that the latest body of knowledge, methods and developments will be made accessible to you and your company.

World class education for world class employees!

9, Republicii Blvd Timisoara, 300159 Romania Tel + 40 356 217 021 Fax + 40 356 217 017

All courses are offered in English, German and Romanian.

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