B6 DL 1 E1: Let's Listen To The Story

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Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DL 1 E1

Lets listen to the story. Story 1 Kudin Goes to a Feast One day, Alim invited his neighbour, Kudin to a feast. Ha i !eman also invited him to a feast. "oth feasts #ere on the same day. Ha i !eman #as a ri$h man. Alim #as a %oor man. Kudin thought there #ould be a lot of food. He de$ided to go to Ha i !eman&s house. Kudin arrived late. ' (&m sorry, Kudin. )here&s no more food,* said Ha i !eman. He #ent to Alim&s house. (t #as already dar+. , (&m sorry, Kudin. )here&s no more food,* said Alim. Kudin #al+ed home hungry and sad. Suggested questions: 1. -ho invited Kudin to a feast . /. -hose house did Kudin de$ide to go. -hy. 0. -hat ha%%ened #hen Kudin #ent to Ha i !eman&s house . 1.-hat ha%%ened to Kudin at the end . 2. -hat +ind of %erson #as Kudin .

Story 2 Burt and His Horse )here #as on$e a man named "urt. He had a horse named )orsy. )orsy #as a strong horse. One night, there #as a storm. Suddenly, all the lights #ent out. "urt too+ his tor$h. He #ent to the %or$h. He loo+ed for )orsy. )orsy #as not there. "urt loo+ed every#here. He #ent to the fort. He sa# )orsy in a %it at the fort. )orsy #as badly hurt. Suggested questions 1. -hat did "urt have . /. -hat is the name of "urt&s horse. 0.-hat ha%%end one night. 1.-hat did "urt do #hen the lights #ent out . 2. -here did "urt find )orsy . 3. -hat ha%%ened to )orsy . 4. -hat +ind of %erson do you thin+ "urt is .

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DL 2 E1

Texts 1. 5hyme 1

Titles !ittle !a6y !arry

Assessment hyme 7stress 7rhythm 7intonation

/.5hyme /

A -ise Old O#l

hyme 7stress 7rhythm 7intonation

e!ite the rhymes.

hyme " Little La#y Larry !ittle la6y !arry slee%s on the farm, He ya#ns all day and slee%s till da#n, -here&s the boy #ho loo+s after the fa#n. He&s on a haysta$+ on the farm.

hyme 2 A $ise %ld %&l A #ise old o#l lived in an oa+ )he more he sa# the less he s%o+e )he less he s%o+e the more he heard. -hy $an8t #e all be li+e that #ise old bird.

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DL2 E2

Sing together. )his is the #ay #e stir the mil+, Stir the mil+, stir the mil+, )his is the #ay #e stir the mil+, )o ma+e a $ho$olate mil+sha+e. )his is the #ay #e #his+ the eggs, -his+ the eggs, #his+ the eggs, )o ma+e a $ho$olate $u%$a+e. )his is the #ay #e #hi% the $ream, -hi% the $ream, #hi% the $ream, )his is the #ay #e #hi% the $ream, )o ma+e the $ho$olate to%%ing.

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DB 1 E1

5ead and $ir$le the $orre$t ans#ers. )he hibis$us is our national flo#er. 9eo%le %lant hibis$us be$ause the flo#er is $olourful. -e $an find red, %in+, orange, yello# and #hite hibis$us flo#ers. )he hibis$us is also easy to gro#. (t only needs air, #ater and sunlight. )he hibis$us has many uses. (n some $ountries, %eo%le ma+e tea from hibis$us %etals. )he tea is good for our health. )he hibis$us and its green leaves $an also be made into sham%oo. )his natural sham%oo ma+es our our hair beautiful. 1. -hat is our national flo#er. A rose " hibis$us : morning glory

/.-hat does a hibis$us need to gro# . A air " air and #ater : air, #ater and sunglight

0.-hy do %eo%le ma+e tea from hibis$us %etals . A )he tea is tasty. " )e tea is good for our health. : )he tea ma+es our hair beautiful.

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DB 1 E2

5ead the te;t. )hen ti$+ <=> )rue?@alse. )he rafflesia is the biggest flo#er in the #orld. (t $an only be found in the rainforest. )he rafflesia has five large %etals. (t does not have a stem, leaves or roots. (t is reddish bro#n. )his flo#er blooms for ust one #ee+. )he rafflesia smells li+e rotten meat. )hat is #hy it is also $alled the ' meat flo#er*. True 1. )he rafflesia is the smallest flo#er in the #orld. /. )he flo#er $an be found in the rainforest. 0.(t has a stem, leaves and roots. 1. (t blooms for t#o #ee+s. 2. )he rafflesia is also $alled the 'meat flo#er*. False

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DB2 E1
:om%lete the table based on the boo+ $over.

)itle of the story: Author: (llustrated by: :hara$ters:

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DT 1 E1

:olour, $ut and %aste the %i$tures and #ords to ma+e a %oster.

Name: _________________________Date: ________________

B6 DT 1 E1

Aa+e the signs. )hen #rite the #ords belo# the signs. No Bntry No 9ar+ing No Smo+ing




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