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Disadvantages of SelfEmployment

Being self-employed can have its disadvantages. These include:

pressure from setting up the business and ensuring it succeeds to legal responsibilities such as paying your taxes and National Insurance; A lac of free time. !ou may find yourself "or ing every day as you are not only responsible for selling your product or service you are also in charge of all administration tas s too; #oney "orries. !ou may have to go a fe" months "ithout having any earnings as you build up your business. This could even result in needing to ta e on a part-time $ob to eep up "ith your living expenses; A lac of holidays% sic pay and company benefits. !ou "on&t be covered if you ta e time off "or for any reason as you are solely responsible for earning your living and you "ill need to pay all of your contributions to a private pension.

A situation in which an individual works for himself or herself instead of working for an employer that pays a salary or a wage. A self-employed individual earns their income through conducting profitable operations from a trade or business that they operate directly.




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Be !our ,"n Boss: - +ossibly one of the most exciting and biggest advantages to becoming self-employed. !ou never have to be ordered around or boost your bosses& ego ever again. !ou are no" the one in control% in charge - the ultimate decision ma er. -or ing from )ome:-Being self-employed means you can "or from the comfort of your o"n home and you can set up your "or ing space ho" and "here you li e it. .ust remember to retain your receipts and bill for things li e phone calls and other business related expenses. These "ill be re/uired for claiming tax brea s in the future.

0elf-0atisfaction:-There is nothing li e feeling that you have completed a tas successfully. No" you get to receive the "hole selfsatisfaction% no-one can come along and claim your successes as their o"n. !ou are no" in charge of setting goals and targets% deciding ho" and "hen they "ill be met and $udging performance.

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