Affidavit of Ownership

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I, JUAN DE LA CRUZ, of legal age, Filipino, single and a resident of Pasig City, Philippines after having een d!ly s"orn to in a##ordan#e "ith la" here y depose and say that$ %& I a' the a sol!te and legal o"ner of a ()* handset des#ri ed as follo"s$ E+a'ple$ *a,e-*odel$ N./IA 0012 A& (rey International *o ile E3!ip'ent Identifi#ation 4I*EI5$ 1671622218%8009l :& .n Nove' er :%, :226, I e+e#!ted an Affidavit of ."nership and Loss "ith Underta,ing and filed the sa'e "ith the National ;ele#o''!ni#ation Co''ission to a!thori<e said #o''ission and all C*;) to lo#, the said ()* handset for the reason that said #ellphone "as stolen fro' 'e y !nidentified person-s= 1& >o"ever, on Jan!ary ?, :220, I "as a le to retrieve said ()* handset thro!gh a #o''on friend= 7& I here y re3!est-a!thori<e the National ;ele#o''!ni#ation Co''ission and all C*;) #arriers to !n lo#, the said ()* >andset= 6& I here y !nderta,e to hold free fro' any responsi ility or shall not hold N;C and the a ove@'entioned #arriers lia le for "hatever #lai's, loss or da'ages or any party 'ay instit!te y reason of N;CAs a#tion to !n lo#, the afore@'entioned !nit= 0& In s!pport of this re3!est and as proof of 'y o"nership of said #ellphone !nit, I atta#hed hereto a photo#opy of the follo"ing do#!'ents$ A& C& C& D& 8& )o#ial )e#!rity )yste' Identifi#ation Card N!' er BBBBBBBB Professional DriverAs Li#ense No& BBBBBBBBBBB E'ploy'ent Identifi#ation Card Poli#e Report

I a' e+e#!ting this affidavit to attest to the tr!th of the foregoing fa#ts &

IN DI;NE)) D>ERE.F, I have here!nto set 'y hand this %1th day of Jan!ary :220 at Pasig City, Philippines& JUAN DELA CRUZ Affiant

)UC)CRICED AND )D.RN to efore 'e this Jan!ary %1, :220 at Pasig City, Philippines, affiant e+hi ited to 'e his Co''!nity ;a+ Certifi#ate No& %%%%%%% iss!ed at Pasig City on Jan!ary %1,:220 & Do#& No& BBBBBBBB= Page No& BBBBBBBB= Coo, No& BBBBBBB = )eries of :220&

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