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Half the Sky Chapters 1-4 Study Guide Each question is worth five points and should be answered

in complete sentences and paragraph format. Spelling, grammar, and academic language are required as well as accuracy of answers. To answer each question, type below the question. The space will expand. Save the document and place in the Week 3 Sky Dropbox. 1. The first chapter is called Emancipating Twenty-First-Century Slaves. After reading the chapter, who are the slaves and why do they need emancipated? 2. How did the authors view of prostitution change while researching the sex trafficking? 3. How do the authors propose that sex trafficking can be stopped? Why hasnt it? 4. What are the models used to stop sex trafficking and why have they failed? 5. How are the police complicit in sex trafficking and in allowing gang rapes to go unpunished? 6. Why do girls voluntarily return to brothels? 7. The authors describe stories of girls who successfully escape brothels or stand up to gang rapes. Why does these girls succeed? 8. How is gang rape used to control a city, neighborhood, and women? 9. What has been the United States response to the treatment of women in Third World countries? 10. How do women contribute to the abuse they receive?

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