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CHEN 5660/6660/6666 PROBLEM SET 2 Spring 2014 Note: for problems where a computer is used to generate a plot or table

example handwritten calculations must be shown. 1. For each of the following chiralities (n,m) compute the ASSUME: 1 micron length, no endcaps Diameter electronic character (metal, semiconductor) density molecular weight of an individual nanotube 500 nm in length (no end caps). Show your work. Note the math involved is only geometry (vectors) and algebra. A (5,0) B (7,6) C (5,5) D (10,10) 2. Why are the assumptions of no endcaps and 1 micron in length reasonable? 3. Look at the products from Southwest Nanotechnologies. What is the significance of having grades with different enriched chiralities?

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