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1V cup Thiive uiounu Beef
1 cup Thiive Instant Black Beans
cup Thiive Sweet Coin
cup Thiive Tomato Bices
cup Thiive Choppeu uieen Chilies
cup Thiive Choppeu 0nion
cup Thiive Reu Bell Peppeis
cup Thiive Tomato Powuei
1 low souium chicken bouillon cube
V cup Thiive Soui Cieam Powuei
1 to 2 cups Thiive Shieuueu Cheuuai Cheese foi gainish
1 tsp sugai
S cups watei
Spice Nix ,- 1 pkg Low Souium Taco Spice

Spice Nix

2 tablespoons chili powuei
1 tsp giounu cumin
1 tsp coiianuei
V tsp uiieu oiegano
tsp cayenne peppei

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Place soui cieam powuei in small snack size bag. Close bag. Place cheuuai cheese in small
sanuwich size bag. Close bag.
Auu iemaining ingieuients into vacuum Seal bag. Auu soui cieam bag, cheuuai cheese bag
anu bouillon cube. vacuum seal.

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REN0vE soui cieam bag, cheuuai cheese bag anu bouillon cube. Set asiue.
Rehyuiate cheuuai cheese by gently tossing with a foik a small amount of watei until it
uoes not absoib any moie watei anu it just staits to puuule at the bottom of the bowl. Set
Rehyuiate soui cieam with cup watei if you wish to seive on the siue oi you may stii in
the powuei uiiectly into the soup towaius the enu of the simmei.
Biing S cups of watei to a gently boil. Auu bouillon cube, stii anu tuin uown heat to a
simmei. Auu all iemaining soup ingieuients in vacuum bag. Simmei until bean aie tenuei -
appioximately 1S to 2u minutes. Auu salt anu peppei to taste.
Top with cheuuai anu soui cieam. Stii in to melt.

Easy Black Bean & Beef Soup

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