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Health and Safety for Beginners 2004

Practice Questions for NEBOSH Examinations Management ANSWERS Paper 2 T e ans!ers gi"en in t ese papers are in #u$$et form% &ou M'ST pa& attention to t e (e& A)T*ON +ERBS in or,er to gi"e fu$$ ans!ers- * ta(e no responsi#i$it& for ans!ers gi"en in exams in t e st&$e portra&e, in t e PRA)T*)E .uestions an, ans!ers !ritten #& m&se$fQuestion / i0ist 1O'R health and safety regulations that specify a legal duty to provide adequate lighting at work. iiWorkplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1 ! "rovision and #se of Workplace $quip%ent Regulations 1 & Health and Safety ('isplay Screen $quip%ent) Regulations 1 ! $lectricity at Work Regulations 1 & (ire "recautions (Workplace) Regulations 1 ) *onfined Spaces Regulations 1 ).

2escri#e the effects inadequate lighting in a workplace would have on health and safety. $ye strain Headaches +dopting poor posture ,ripping over unseen o-.ects Hu%an error is likely to increase. NOTE3 Bot in,i"i,ua$ ea$t ris(s an, p &sica$ ris(s are re.uire,-


Out$ine which factors should -e considered on assess%ent of the adequacy of lighting within an open plan office. ,he tasks -eing carried out ,he equip%ent used ,he si/e and layout of the office i.e. distance of workstations to windows and the use of partitions 0atural light availa-le at different ti%es of the day and year Suita-ility of the nu%-er, type, intensity and hue of artificial lights *o%puter screen glare Shadowed areas 1ocalised lighting, need for and availa-ility of 2aintenance of non3functional, flickering, da%aged or dirty lights "rovision and adequacy of e%ergency lighting.

John Johnston AIIRSM !opyright " All Rights Reser#ed 2004

Health and Safety for Beginners 2004

Question 2 i. State the conditions that %ust -e fulfilled to show that an e%ployer %ay -e held vicariously lia-le for the negligence of an e%ployee. ii. ,he e%ployee was acting in the course of his4her e%ploy%ent ,he e%ployee caused da%age or in.ury -y not fulfilling a co%%on law duty of care. Note3 BOTH t ese con,itions must #e met to fin, t e emp$o&er $ia#$e-

Out$ine the legal duties required to -e %et -y e%ployers in order to ensure e%ployees -ehave in a safe %anner. Section ! of the Health and Safety at Work etc +ct 1 )56 to provide infor%ation, instruction, training and supervision to e%ployees Regulation 11 of the 2anage%ent of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1 6 e%ployees7 capa-ilities %ust -e considered -efore allocating tasks to the%. Regulation 11 also has %ore depth on for%s of training that should -e provided. *onstruction ('esign and 2anage%ent) Regulations 1 5 have si%ilar require%ents.

Question 4 Out$ine %anage%ent techniques which can encourage a positive attitude to health and safety in the workplace. *o%%unication $%ployee involve%ent 8ncentives 1eading -y e9a%ple "erfor%ance appraisals.

Question 5 a) Exp$ain -y way of e9a%ple, why a health and safety inspector would serve6 i. +n i%prove%ent notice + -reach of statutory duty and a likelihood or continuation or repeat of the -reach. $.g. inadequate guarding on -oring %achine : -reach of ,he "rovision and #se ;f Work $quip%ent Regs 1 &

John Johnston AIIRSM !opyright " All Rights Reser#ed 2004

Health and Safety for Beginners 2004


+ prohi-ition notice 8f there is an i%%inent risk to health and safety the operation %ust cease i%%ediately. $.g. 0o hot water washing facilities3 using concrete3 risk of der%atitis : -reach of HSW+ 1 )5, ,he *onstruction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1 <, ,he *ontrol of Su-stances Ha/ardous to Health Regulations !==!.

-) Out$ine what the effect on EA)H notice would -e in the case of an appeal against the%. Question 6 Out$ine what type of infor%ation is required in a health and safety plan -efore work co%%ences on a -uilding pro.ect as descri-ed under the )2M Regu$ations /775 ,he nature and risks of the work involved 2ethod state%ents $%ergency arrange%ents *o3ordination of, and liaison -etween, the relevant parties #se of plant and equip%ent Site rules Welfare arrange%ents +ccident reporting 8nstruction and training "rovision and use of personal protective equip%ent 2onitoring and review arrange%ents +n i%prove%ent notice is suspended until the appeal is heard + prohi-ition notice re%ains in force.

Question 8 a) 9i"e 1O'R reasons why there should -e a syste% for the internal reporting of accidents in an organisation. ,he co%pilation of accident statistics and identifying trends ,o %eet the require%ents of the Reporting of 8n.uries, 'iseases and 'angerous ;ccurrences Regulations 1 > 8nvestigations %ay -e carried out to prevent future occurrences

John Johnston AIIRSM !opyright " All Rights Reser#ed 2004

Health and Safety for Beginners 2004


#se in civil clai%s or to satisfy insurance require%ents Help in the identification and reduction of loss 8nfor% the review of risk assess%ents.

Out$ine the factors that could prevent accidents fro% -eing reported at work -y e%ployees. 8gnorance of reporting procedures "eer pressure "ossi-le retri-ution -y %anage%ent "reservation of the co%pany7s or depart%ents safety record (particularly where incentive sche%es are in place) +voidance of first3aid or %edical treat%ent ;ver3co%plicated reporting procedures 1ack of %anage%ent response to earlier reported accidents.

Question : Out$ine the infor%ation that should -e given to e%ployees when they could -e e9posed to a su-stance ha/ardous to health in the workplace. 0ature of su-stance and its possi-le effects How it is to -e used% transported and stored "rovision and use of control %easures "ossi-le use of personal protective equip%ent including infor%ation on its availa-ility% storage, cleaning, %aintenance and replace%ent "rocedures relating to personal hygiene 2onitoring Health surveillance $%ergencies including first3aid and spillage procedures.

Question ; Out$ine why a ver-al instruction given to an e%ployee %ay not -e clearly understood. 0oise and distractions #se of technical .argon *o%ple9ity of infor%ation +%-iguity 1anguage and4or dialect of the speaker Sensory i%pair%ent

John Johnston AIIRSM !opyright " All Rights Reser#ed 2004

Health and Safety for Beginners 2004

2ental difficulty 8nattention or ine9perience of the recipient 1engthy co%%unication chains.

Question 7 a< 0ist 1O'R other categories of people rather than e%ployees that an e%ployer owes a duty to take reasona-le care. ?isitors 2e%-ers of the pu-lic #ninvited persons4trespassers *ontractors

#< Out$ine procedures that could -e used to ensure the safety of visitors to an organisations pre%ise. Question /= State the require%ents of the 1ire Precautions >Wor(p$ace< Regu$ations /77: with regards of e%ergency e9its and routes. Risk assess%ent to take into account the di%ensions of the escape route, length and width, and nu%-er of persons to -e evacuated. 'oors %ust open easily and in the direction of escape $%ergency signs and lighting $scape routes %ust -e kept clear of o-struction at all ti%es $scape routes %ust lead directly to a place of safety. 8dentification of visitors6 signing in, -adges etc. 8nfor%ation regarding the risks present and site rules and procedures, especially in e%ergency situations ?isitor supervision i.e. escorts Restricted access to certain areas.

Question // 0ist the powers given to inspectors under the Hea$t an, Safet& at Wor( etc Act /7:5 ,he right to enter pre%ises, if necessary with police assistance ,o carry out e9a%inations and investigations

John Johnston AIIRSM !opyright " All Rights Reser#ed 2004

Health and Safety for Beginners 2004

,o direct that pre%ises or equip%ent -e left undistur-ed for the purpose of investigations ,o take %easure%ents and photographs ,o inspect and4or take copies of docu%ents and records ,o take sa%ples ,o interview a person and o-tain a signed declaration of truth ,o take possession of articles and su-stances ,o issue enforce%ent notices ,o instigate and conduct proceedings in a %agistrates court (e9cept Scotland). ,o dis%antle and4or test any ite% or su-stance which they decide is har%ful to health.

John Johnston AIIRSM !opyright " All Rights Reser#ed 2004

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